Meet Us

Past Leadership


President: Betsy Smith

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Betsy joined the Wave Propagation and Metamaterials Lab in 2018 to pursue her M.S. in Mechanical Science and Engineering. She enjoys research work on ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of materials and is continuing at Illinois for her Ph.D. Betsy is also a musician and novice sailor.

Vice President: Izaro Bedialauneta

Izaro is a PhD student in Spanish and Portuguese. Her research is on perception and production of prosody (mainly stress and intonation) by L2 and heritage speakers of Romance Languages and Basque. She enjoys outdoor activities and hosting brunches.

Secretary: Sangwon Park

Sangwon Park is a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering at UIUC, advised by Professor Kathryn H. Matlack. He completed his B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. His current research interest spans phononic crystals and their application to passive unsteady flow control.

Treasurer: Josh Tempelman

[Details coming soon!]

Membership Director: Rohit Ananthanarayana

Rohit is a PhD student in the Speech and Hearing Science department. He has a background in audio and music signal processing. His current research is on the human auditory perception of complex ecological sounds. He enjoys cooking and playing the violin.