MCEE Tutorials

An overview – making advanced worlds in Minecraft Education Edition:

Converting Java Edition to Education Edition worlds:

A simple start arrow and reset button for EE worlds:

Example template for MakeCode Tutorial creator:

# My Tutorial
Template made by Jeff Ginger for Project WHIMC
This file uses the format found at 

Wrap individual code snippets in an expression to make them into movable blocks
eg if(0 == 0) turns into all comparison expression blocks (somehow?)
eg if(variable) enables the "make a variable" section

Other helpful things from Cameron Ross
@showdialogue makes that slide on the tutorial pop out and add a "Next" button
```template give the students some starter blocks
```blocks shows the students a hint
```ghost provides access to blocks without putting them in the workspace or hint
``|| agent.text ||`` will make the text the same colour as the block menu (you need to change the first word to the name of the menu)

<!-- block combinations that will show up by default in their workspace -->
player.onTravelled(WALK, function () {

<!-- blocks you want available to players, based on js code -->
player.onTravelled(WALK, function () {})
player.onChat("run", function () {})

agent.move(FORWARD, 1)
if(agent.inspect(AgentInspection.Block, FORWARD) == 0)
if(agent.getPosition() == 0)
if(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block, FORWARD) == 0)
agent.drop(FORWARD, 1, 1)

while (false) {}
if(true) {} else {}
for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {}

if(0 == 0)
if(randint(0, 10) == 0)

if(blocks.blockByName("stone") == 0)
if(blocks.blockById(0) == 0), pos(0, 0, 0))
if(GRASS == 0)
## Step 1
Step 1 instructions

## Step 2
Step 2 instructions

## Step 3
You accomplished your project, good job!

Education.json to restrict player capabilities and force use of robot to effect the world:

    "commands" : {
		"hiddenFromPlayer" : ["!wsserver","setblock","replaceitem","!give","execute","function", "gamemode"],
		"hiddenFromAutomation": ["!setblock","!agent","!replaceitem","!give","!execute","!function"]
		"disableLegacyTitleBar": true,
		"capabilities": {
					"canModifyBlocks": true

3D print creations from Education Edition:

Additional References

Agent commands in Python