Category Archives: Fall 2016 courses

ATTENTION: No registration changes Aug 15-17


On Mon-Wed, Aug 15-17, registration for statistics courses will be restricted to new graduate students only. This means ONLY the MS and PhD students that are just starting this Fall 2016 term can register on these days.

DO NOT make ANY changes to your statistics course registration on these days.

Any attempt to change sections or change courses will likely result in losing your seat.

If your seat is taken, we CAN’T help you re-register.

Registration is planned to return to normal on Thursday morning during business hours. An announcement will be sent to announce this. In case of delays, please do not make changes to your statistics registration until you receive the announcement.

SOC Courses

Please advise your students about these wonderful SOC offerings for Fall 2016 semester:


Classes may show restrictions on class schedule, but for most classes, the “restriction” is that some seats are reserved for majors through early registration.  Most classes have seats available for all majors at this time.


Fall 2016 Sociology Course Offerings

SOC 100-AL1 Introduction to Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall Theater & Discussion Section (35320)

SOC 100-AL2 Introduction to Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall Theater & Discussion Section (41839)*DGS ONLY

SOC 100-ONL Introduction to Sociology POTA (41814)

SOC 100-PB Introduction to Sociology PB TR 2:00-3:20 (66297)

SOC 160 Global Inequality and Social Change TR 9:30-10:50 Lincoln Hall 1027 (56794)*NWC, WCC

SOC 162 Introduction to International Health Policy TR 12:30-1:50 Burrill Hall 140 (56178)*WCC

SOC 196-CB Central Asian Societies MWF 4:00-4:50 Lincoln Hall 1002 (41388)

SOC 196-IA Social Problems TR 11:00-12:20 Engineering Hall 106B1 (62882)

SOC 199-BAR Back to the 1960’s TR 8:30-9:50 (49855)*Discovery Course

SOC 200 Introduction to Sociological Theory TR 11:00-12:20 Lincoln Hall 1000 (31132)

SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity MWF 10:00-10:50 Engineering Hall 106B8 (48829)

SOC 226 Political Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Digital Computer Lab 1310 (31133)

SOC 270 Population Issues MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall 1002 (35721)

SOC 274 Introduction to Medical Sociology TR 9:30-10:50 Henry Admin Bldg (41245)

SOC 275 Criminology ONL POTB (65856)

SOC 280 Introduction to Social Statistics MWF 12:00-12:50 Foreign Languages Bldg G48 (65062) & Quiz W 11:00-11:50 (35017) OR F 11:00-11:50 (65010)

SOC 350 Technology and Society ONL TR 11:00-12:20 (31135)

SOC 373 Social Stratification MWF 2:00-2:50 Burrill Hall 140 (41736)

SOC  396-TL Sociology Through Photography TR 2:00-3:20 Armory 136 (31139)*CHPHonors




Dr. Nicole Holtzclaw-Stone

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Sociology

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

3070 Lincoln Hall

702 S. Wright St.

MC 454

Urbana, IL 61801


Students can now book appointments with Sociology Advisors using the online web tool: .   Just use the drop down calendar to find “Sociology Undergraduate Advising” and then select the Advisor and week you are looking for an appointment.  Advising appointments that are available show up in green.


Please see the attached flyer for CI 210, Intro to Digital Environments, taught by  Education Professor, Dr. Robb Lindgren.  This is a fantastic course for students  interested in the impact of digital environments on teaching and learning.

CI 210 Intro to Digital Environments Flyer Fall 2016


Kathy Ryan
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education at Illinois │ Student Academic Affairs Office

PoliSci Course for Great Students in Summer, 2016



Will you be in the area over the summer?  Will you have Monday and Tuesday evening free?  Would you like to learn more about government?  Former U.S. Representative Tim Johnson will teach a course studying processes, policies and politics of government, with an emphasis on the federal government and the U.S. Congress.  This course is a great opportunity to learn about politics “first-hand.”   The course meets Mondays and Tuesdays, 6-8:50pm from June 13 to August 16 (Summer 2).  All are welcome.  Register at CRN: 38811


And, there are other great courses – for great students – this summer!  These include in-person classes on public policy (PS 220 in SU1 at CRN 30320) and introduction to political science (PS 100 in SU2 at CRN 30313).


For students needing just one more advanced level course or just one more general education course to finish – or for students wanting to learn and get ahead – political science offers several great on-line courses.  These include: PS 101: U.S. Government and Politics (a social science general education course required for many different programs, CRN 30314); PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations (a new on-line course, a social science and non-western general education course addressing questions of development and related issues); PS 305: The U.S. Supreme Court (an advanced course examining this political institution – now very much in the news at CRN 36371); and PS 385: Government and Politics of the European Union (CRN 38327; looking for a great idea – take this course over the summer – and take a special section of a follow-on course about Global Governance & Europe (PS 457 – CRN 66639)


Questions? Call the Department of Political Science at 333-7491 and ask to speak with an advisor.


Joseph Hinchliffe, PhD

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Political Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

421 David Kinley Hall (DKH), MC-713

1407 West Gregory Drive

Urbana, Illinois 61801


Phone: 217.333.7491 (office)

217.244.1820 (direct)

217.244.5712 (fax)



Honduras Water Project Courses AY 16-17

ENG 398/598 HWP will be offered in 2016-2017 to teach students who are interested in international development about how to provide sustainable infrastructure solutions by focusing on community needs, culture, and political structure. This course has been immensely popular during its first three years, and many students continue to engage with the course partnership even after graduating.


This year-long course is open to undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines. Working with a community in rural Honduras, the students develop an understanding of community needs for a safe drinking water supply, investigate conditions that affect the operation and sustainability of the system, visit the community over Winter Break 2017 to perform field investigations, and develop a holistic design to improve the community’s health through drinking-water improvements and education. Water systems already have been constructed or are under construction in past partner communities of Las Queseras and Fatima, Honduras, and this year’s course is completing design now for the village of Cerro Verde.

In addition to engineering students, we welcome all disciplines and particularly encourage students in Community Health, Political Science, Spanish language, Global Studies, Dietetics, and Education to participate.


Ann-Perry Witmer, P.E.

IEFX Teaching Associate

EWB-UIUC Faculty Advisor

University of Illinois College of Engineering

102 Engineering Hall

1308 West Green Street

Urbana, IL 61801

Ph 217.244.7805

New GEOG classes for fall

As fall registration continues, I wanted to draw your attention to two new courses in the Department of Geography and GIS. The first, GEOG 221, Geographies of Global Conflict, will be useful for students interested in international politics and territorial conflicts who are looking for a Social Sciences course at the 200 level. (It’s an upgraded version of GEOG 110, so students who have taken that course cannot receive credit for this one as well.) It’s also cross-listed as GLBL 221.


The second course, GEOG 484, Cities, Crime, and Space, is an extremely timely course. It covers issues of policing, crime mapping, perceptions of safety and crime, disparate experiences of racial and ethnic minorities, and how the spatial structures of U.S. cities influence all of these. Dr. Brian Jefferson’s research is in this field, and students who took this course when it was offered as a topics class had very positive things to say about him and the course.



Julie Cidell


Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Geography & GIS

University of Illinois

FAA Academic Affairs: Interesting Courses for Fall 2016

Good morning!

Please share the following course information with interested students. Thanks for your help!

ARTS 445 Special Topics in New Media – PERFORMANCE

A hands on course that will explore performance within the field of New Media. It meets MW 1pm-3:40pm.  The class thrives when there’s a mix – grads and undergrads, students from Art & Design, Dance, Theatre, Music, Landscape Architecture, Computer Science, English.  Students may contact Deke Weaver at for more information.

GCL 220 Frameworks for Health & Wellness: Building Healthy Communities

As an innovative course in Grand Challenge Learning, Frameworks for Building Healthy Communities gathers expert faculty from across campus – all renowned for excellent teaching and research. Students will explore health and wellness across the arts, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences while earning General Education credit in Cultural Studies and Humanities & the Arts. GCL 220 meets twice per week: on Mondays for a lecture that gathers all students and faculty, and on Wednesdays in seminars of up to 25 students. Through this unique structure, students benefit from the expertise of six different faculty while joining a seminar with one professor and a small network of peers. Registration for GCL 220 includes the lecture as well as enrollment in one of the participating professor’s seminars (for a total of 3 credit hours).



Zelda Gardner
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs

College of Fine + Applied Arts

HDFS 494: STRONG Kids now accepting applications for 2016-2017

The Family Resiliency Center is currently accepting applications for the HDFS 494 undergraduate research course.  Applications are due April 8th. They will be reviewed and interviews conducted the last few weeks of April. Students are eligible if they

  • Will have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing by Fall 2016
  • Are available to work regular hours on an assigned research project for 6-9 hours per week
  • Have two, 3 hour blocks of time each week
  • Are able to attend class every other week on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:00

The purpose of these two-semester year-long supervised research course is to provide students with a first-hand experience working as part of a research team as well as to help them develop a working knowledge of the theory and applications of transdisciplinary approaches to obesity research.

This course is divided into 3 components: Obesity prevention, professional development training, and applied research.

Additional information about this course, as well as a downloadable application can be found on our website at:  The application and flyer are also attached.

Please contact: Jill Bowers, Coordinator (  if you have any questions.


Jen Themanson

Project Coordinator


The Family Resiliency Center

University of Illinois


Information about American Sign Language courses and SHS 222 Language and Culture of Deaf Communities

I wanted to share some information from the Department of Speech and Hearing Science about SHS 222 Language and Culture of Deaf Communities and SHS 121 American Sign Language I. In the past, students planning on taking SHS 121 ASL I on this campus have been required to also take SHS 222 prior to, or concurrently with, SHS 121, unless instructor consent has been given. I wanted to let you know that the department has proposed no longer requiring SHS 222 as a pre- or co-requisite for SHS 121. This is in the process of being formally approved and in all likelihood will be, effective fall 2016, but it is not currently reflected in the information in Course Explorer or the fall 2016 class schedule. Although this will not be able to be updated online in time for registration, given the timing of this, I wanted to be sure you knew that students interested in taking SHS 121 on this campus will not be prevented from being able to enroll in the course if they have not yet taken, or may not be able to enroll concurrently in SHS 222 this fall or in future semesters.


Since SHS does not offer a fourth semester of American Sign Language (courses only go through ASL 3), students in colleges that require the equivalent of four years of foreign language for their bachelor’s degree can take SHS 222 for the fourth level of the language, provided they do not use SHS 222 to satisfy another Gen. Ed. area, specifically in Social Science and US Minority Culture(s).  SHS 222 will continue to be offered both fall and spring, and students may take that at any point with the ASL classes. As of this writing, the times that SHS 222 will be offered in the fall are in the process of being updated but the class is slated to be taught during the first 8 weeks of the fall semester.


Lastly, ASL 1 and ASL II, SHS 121 and SHS 221, are both offered this fall. The department is working on adding information to the class schedule, including a link to request to be placed on a waitlist for ASL classes only. Please note that ASL 3, SHS 321, is not offered this fall but will be offered once again in the spring, along with both SHS 121 and SHS 221. The department does foresee all three levels being taught each semester (fall and spring) in future terms.


I appreciate you sharing this information with your students.


Many thanks.


Kathi Ritten



Kathi Ritten

Academic Advisor

College of Applied Health Sciences

Department of Speech and Hearing Science

220 Speech and Hearing Science Building, MC-482

901 South Sixth Street

Champaign, IL 61820

(217) 333-2230
