Will you be in the area over the summer? Will you have Monday and Tuesday evening free? Would you like to learn more about government? Former U.S. Representative Tim Johnson will teach a course studying processes, policies and politics of government, with an emphasis on the federal government and the U.S. Congress. This course is a great opportunity to learn about politics “first-hand.” The course meets Mondays and Tuesdays, 6-8:50pm from June 13 to August 16 (Summer 2). All are welcome. Register at CRN: 38811
And, there are other great courses – for great students – this summer! These include in-person classes on public policy (PS 220 in SU1 at CRN 30320) and introduction to political science (PS 100 in SU2 at CRN 30313).
For students needing just one more advanced level course or just one more general education course to finish – or for students wanting to learn and get ahead – political science offers several great on-line courses. These include: PS 101: U.S. Government and Politics (a social science general education course required for many different programs, CRN 30314); PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations (a new on-line course, a social science and non-western general education course addressing questions of development and related issues); PS 305: The U.S. Supreme Court (an advanced course examining this political institution – now very much in the news at CRN 36371); and PS 385: Government and Politics of the European Union (CRN 38327; looking for a great idea – take this course over the summer – and take a special section of a follow-on course about Global Governance & Europe (PS 457 – CRN 66639)
Questions? Call the Department of Political Science at 333-7491 and ask to speak with an advisor.
Joseph Hinchliffe, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Political Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
421 David Kinley Hall (DKH), MC-713
1407 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone: 217.333.7491 (office)
217.244.1820 (direct)
217.244.5712 (fax)