AGED 260 Now Offered Summer Online

*NEW* AGED 260: Introduction to Leadership Studies is now being offered as a summer online course!


Overview of multiple leadership theories and their application to leadership and followership in multiple settings. Students learn and apply leadership theories to enhance their own leadership

and record their growth through a series of surveys, readings, exams and assignments.

This online course will include unique videos, an interactive e-Text, group activities and even a game simulation for one of the eight modules.


  • 8-week Summer Session 2:  June 13 – August 6, 2016.
  • CRN: 36784
  • Meets a Social Science General Education requirement
  • Required course in the Minor in Leadership Studies


If you have students interested in the Leadership Studies Minor, or simply want to take a leadership course in the convenience of an online format, please forward this on to your students.

Contact Lisa Burgoon with any questions or for additional information.





Lisa Burgoon, MS, EdM

Director, Minor in Leadership Studies

College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

290 Illini Union, MC-384

1401 West Green St, Urbana IL 61801