Interdisciplinary Workshop for Undergraduate Students
May 22-27, 2016
This workshop will take place at SAS Hall, NC State University Campus, Raleigh, NC.
The application deadline is April 1, 2016.
This week long workshop provides an introduction to applied mathematical and statistical research in the area of computational neuroscience and forensics. Talks will be presented by statisticians and applied mathematicians who work with analyzing imaging, finger printing and many types of similar data.
While students from universities not in the U.S. are welcome to apply, please be aware that priority is given to students who are enrolled at U.S. schools. Applications received by Friday, April 1, 2016 will receive full consideration.
SAMSI will reimburse pre-approved and appropriate travel expenses as well as provide food and lodging.
Directorate liaison: Sujit Ghosh
Organizers: SAMSI first year postdocs & Sujit Ghosh
Send questions to