Welcome to ECE484: Principles of Safe Autonomy, Fall 2024 edition.
In this class, you will dive into algorithms for building autonomous systems (e.g., path planning, particle filtering, lane detection, and safety verification), play with cool software tools (e.g., ROS, Gazebo, OpenAI gym), and get to deploy your code on a real car!
The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am-12:20pm in ECEB 1015.
Instructor: Prof. Ujjal Bhowmik

Content contributors: Yan Miao, Hongyi Li, John Pohovey, Ye-Ji Mun, Tianchen Ji, Pranav Sriram, Qichao Gao, Aamir Hasan, Minghao Jiang, Pulkit Katdare, Yangge Li, Ted Liu, Hebron Taylor