Lab Golf and Pizza, Summer 2018

Colloids&Surface Chemistry Division (ACS National meeting 2019)

Molecular mechanisms of Tribology. Bellstein Institute Symposium. Berlin, 2018.

Gordon Conference on Tribology, 2018.

Paint Party, Christmas 2017.

1st Midwest Tribology Meeting, Argonne National Labs. 2017.

At the dinner of the Colloids & Surface Science Symposium, NY, 2017.

Group picture at UCAdventures, Urbana and Christmas Celebration, December 2016.

Mengwei Han, 2nd best poster at STLE Frontiers, 2016.

Yijue Diao, operating the AFM, 2015.

BBQ, Summer 2017. Graduation of Qi Ma and Kaiyu Wang

Yijue, Josue and Rosa discussing about research

Josue presenting at MRS, Boston, 2015.

Josue was telling an amusing story..

WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Mechanisms of Tribology, 2016, Germany.

Gordon Research Conference, Tribology, 2016.

Yijue presenting at the EES symposium, UIUC, 2017.

Tooba presenting her poster at STLE Frontierts, 2016.

The extended Surface Forces Apparatus (eSFA-II, Raymond). Credits to Prof. M. Heberger and Tobias Balmer, ETHZ.

eSFA-setup for force measurements.

eSFA set-up for synchrotron beamline experiments. Thanks to Prof. Friso van der Veen.
2023 GRC Science of Adhesion