New Biology Graduate Fellows will benefit from
- multidisciplinary curriculum at high-ranked University,
- research with proven and productive Faculty mentors,
- teaching opportunities,
- public engagement activities together with extension services or private industry,
- development of professional, communication, decision making, and leadership skills, and
- continuous mentoring by Faculty and steering committee
Graduate studies fellowships available:
Two M. Sc. and two Ph.D. fellowships are available (two in 2012 and two in 2013).
Graduate studies fellowships monetary support includes:
- $18,500/year for M. Sc. for up to 2 years and $24,500/year for Ph.D. for up to 3 years
- Tuition waiver
- Up to $ 1000 for travel expenses associated with the presentation of research findings at a meeting.
Travel fellowships available:
Two travel fellowships are available per year (2012 to 2015)
Travel fellowship monetary support includes:
Up to $750 to defray registration, travel, accommodation, and per diem expenses.