Three types of applications to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program are welcome:
- Multi-year graduate studies fellowships
- Travel fellowships
- Membership to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program
Applicants from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
Multi-year graduate studies fellowships
One M. Sc. fellowship ($18,500/year for 2 years) and one Ph. D. fellowship ($24,500/year for 3 years) are available in 2013. Applications must be received by March 22, 2013 for full consideration. Applications that are submitted past the deadline will be considered provided that funding remains available. Graduate studies fellowship recipients will become New Biology Graduate Fellows, listed on the program’s website, and will be expected to comply with the program and graduate studies fellowship requirements.
New Biology Graduate Studies fellowships are only available to:
- Applicants that are citizens or nationals of the US.
- Applicants that have not completed two semesters or be previously enrolled on the same program of studies.
- Applicants that have identified at least one Faculty mentor and a thesis research project relevant to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program to be executed at the mentor’s lab in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Applicants must submit:
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal statement of goals, research and educational accomplishments and career objectives relevant to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program
- Names and contact information of two references
- Academic transcripts
- Summary of proposed research related to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program and name of proposed Faculty mentor(s)
- Complete the fellowship application form (click to download the form). Application materials must be sent to Dr. Rodriguez Zas by March 15, 2013
Travel fellowships
Several $450 to $750 awards are available (number and amount of the award depends on the application cycle). For full consideration, applications must be received by March 8 in any year. Applications submitted past the deadline will be considered provided funds remain available. Travel fellowship recipients will become New Biology Graduate Fellows, and will be listed in the program’s website.
Applicants must submit:
- Name, day, and place of the meeting
- Abstract that will be presented at the meeting
- Proof of submission of the abstract
- Description of how the abstract relates to the New Biology Graduate Fellows program
- Preliminary travel budget itemizing the expected expenses.
- Complete travel application form (click to download the form). Application materials must be sent to Dr. Rodriguez Zas. Applications from graduate students in the Department of Crop Sciences must be first sent to Dr. Jack Juvik, Department of Crop Sciences Director of Graduate Programs.
Membership in the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program
Applications to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program are accepted all year round. Admitted applicants will become New Biology Graduate Fellows and will be listed in the program’s website.
Applicants must submit:
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal statement of goals, research and educational accomplishments and career objectives relevant to the New Biology Graduate Fellows Program.
- Complete membership application form (click to download the form). Application materials must be sent to Dr. Rodriguez Zas.