New Biology Graduate Fellows Program
Are you or do you want to become a New Biologist that applies systems biology to improve animal and plant production and health by integrating biology and informatics, or statistics, or computer sciences?
The New Biology Graduate Fellows Program is the right match for you!
Click here for applications to travel and graduate studies fellowships.
Multi-year graduate studies fellowships are due March 22, 2013 for full consideration.
Efforts to improve food production and human health require the integration of different types of information and the mining of large and complex datasets including genome sequences, worldwide breeding programs, economic market trends, environmental monitoring data, global positioning information, and internet surveys. Research is being revolutionized by the integration of biology, computer sciences, informatics, and statistics known as “New Biology”. Systems biology integrates diverse data and is ideally-suited to tackle New Biology problems. There is an urgent need for New Biologists skilled in systems biology approaches to integrate information and mine complex and BIG data.
The New Biology Graduate Fellows Program (NBGFP) in Animal and Plant Production at the University of Illinois is a graduate studies program that trains students on systems biology approaches to mine complex and BIG data sets and identify interrelationships that will help to improve animal, plant and food production and human health and well-being.
The New Biology Graduate Fellows Program is open to all graduate students. Fellowships that offer financial support for multi-year graduate studies and travel are available.
Click here for applications to travel and graduate studies fellowships.
The New Biology Graduate Fellows’ training addresses the USDA Targeted Expertise Shortage Area “Animal and Plant Production -Integrated fields of quantitative genetics, statistics, computational biology, and breeding for animals and for plants”.
A related program, Undergraduate Research and Mentoring in New Biology (NRM-NB) is currently available for undergraduates.