OBFS | Office of Business and Financial Services (UI) |
OCR | Office of Corporate Relations |
OHRP | Office of Human Research Protection |
OHS | Occupational Health and Safety Programs |
OIG | Office of Inspector General |
OLAW | Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
ONR | Office of Naval Research |
OPD | Office of Proposal Development |
OPRS | Office for the Protection of Research Subjects |
ORAPD | Office of Research Advising and Project Development |
ORI | Office of Research Integrity |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DOE) |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSP | Office of Sponsored Programs |
OTM | Office of Technology Managment |
PA | Parent Announcement (NIH) |
PAPPG | Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures |
PE | Partial Execution |
PHI/ePHI | Protected Health Information |
PHS | U.S. Public Health Service |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PIRE | Partnerships for International Research and Education |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
POP/PEROP | Period of Performance |
PRI | Prairie Research Institute |
PTF | Proposal Transmittal Form |
RAPD | Office of Research Advising and Project Development |
RCR | Responsible Conduct of Research |
RFA | Request for Application |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Quotation |
RPPR | Research Performance Progress Report |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBSRI | Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Initiative |
SEOC | State Emergency Operations Center |
SF424 | Standard Form 424 |
SFI | Significant Financial Interest |
SIAM | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratory (DOE) |
SO | Signing Official |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SPA | Sponsored Programs Administration |
SPaRC | Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance Working Group |
SRA | Sponsored Research Agreement |
START | Systemwide Tools for Administration of Research and Training |
STC | Science and Technology Center |
STTR | Small Business Technology Transfer |
TDC | Total Direct Costs |
TTA | Technical Testing Agreement |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
UEO | Unit Executive Officer |
UG | Uniform Guidance |
URA | Universities Research Association, Inc. |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |