
Publication color code: peer-reviewed conference, peer-reviewed workshop, thesis, open-source tools (OST)

[Under submission] “Winnow: An automated and Principled Approach to Determine the Impact of Errors in Program Data”, R. Venkatagiri, S. Misailovic, D. Marinov, C. W. Fletcher, S. V. Adve, (Under Review).

[TECHCON ‘19] “Towards general-purpose, comprehensive and automated soft error analysis”, R. Venkatagiri, K. Ahmed, A. Mahmoud, S. V. Adve, D. Marinov, S. Misailovic, Semiconductor Research Corporation workshop TECHCON, 2019.

[DSN’19] “gem5-Approxilyzer: an Open Source Tool for Application-level Soft Error Analysis“, R. Venkatagiri, K.Ahmed, A. Mahmoud, S. V. Adve, D. Marinov, S. Misailovic, Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2019. [PDF]

[OST] gem5-Approxilyzer:

[ASPLOS’19] “Minotaur: Adapting Software Testing Techniques for Hardware Errors,” A. Mahmoud, R. Venkatagiri**, K. Ahmed, S. V. Adve, D. Marinov, S. Misailovic, Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2019. [PDF]

[TECHCON ‘18] “Harnessing Software Testing Techniques for Hardware Resiliency Analysis” A. Mahmoud, R. Venkatagiri**, K. Ahmed, S. V. Adve, D. Marinov, S. Misailovic, Semiconductor Research Corporation workshop TECHCON, 2018.

[DSN ’18] “Impact of Software Approximations on the Resiliency of a Video Summarization System,” R. Venkatagiri, K. Swaminathan, C. C. Lin, L. Wang, A. Buyuktosunoglu, P. Bose and S. V. Adve, Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2018. [PDF]

[WAX ‘17] “Leveraging Software Testing to Explore Input Dependence for Approximate Computing,” A. Mahmoud, R. Venkatagiri, K. Ahmed, S. V. Adve, D. Marinov and S. Misailovic, in Proc. of the Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WAX), 2017. [PDF]

[OST] Approxilyzer:

[MICRO ‘16] “Approxilyzer: Towards A Systematic Framework for Instruction-Level Approximate Computing and its Application to Hardware Resiliency,R. Venkatagiri, A. Mahmoud, S. K. S. Hari and S. V. Adve, in Proceedings of the 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016. [PDF]

[IISWC ‘16] Resilience Characterization of a Vision Analytics Application Under Varying Degrees of Approximation,” R. Venkatagiri, K. Swaminathan, C. C. Lin, L. Wang, A. Buyuktosunoglu, P. Bose and S. V. Adve, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2016. Short paper. [PDF]

[WAX ‘16] Towards More Precision in Approximate Computing,” R. Venkatagiri, A. Mahmoud and S. V. Adve, Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WAX), 2016. [PDF]

[ISCA ‘14] GangES: A Hybrid Injection + Program Analysis Technique for Hardware Resiliency Evaluation,” K. S. Hari, R. Venkatagiri, S. V. Adve, and H. Naeimi, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2014. [PDF]

[MS-Thesis ‘05] “Predicting Compiler Optimization Performance for High-Performance Computing applications using Machine Learning algorithms,” R. Venkatagiri and Y. Solihin, Master’s thesis, North Carolina State University 2005.


**I am a joint first author on this work.