While many crops already are or are becoming mechanized, many valuable crops still are hand-picked. These crops sometimes need new ways to collect precise geospatial harvest data which can then be used to monitor, measure, and optimize what is happening in the field. Inefficiencies and waste lead to loss of revenue, loss of the valuable resources which went into growing the crop, and environmental impact.
In February 2016, we visited Crisalida Farms in Oxnard, California. Four harvesters carried smartphones with an app which gave us their GPS location every 5 seconds during the workday. Using this data, we tried to construct a yield map and estimate harvest speed.
Reference: Algorithmic geolocation of harvest in hand-picked agriculture. Natural Resource Modeling. 2018;31:e12158. https://doi.org/10.1111/nrm.12158
, , .Thanks to:
- Research Board of University of Illinois
- Maureen McGuire, Crisalida Farms
Code: https://gitlab.engr.illinois.edu/AlgorithmicGeolocation/Algorithm.git
Press releases:
- https://engineering.illinois.edu/news/article/24515
- https://math.illinois.edu/news/2018-03-22/smart-strawberry-field
- http://publish.illinois.edu/r-sowers/the-smart-strawberry-field/
The Smart Strawberry Field
Optimal Transport in Hand-Picked Crops