Math 461 Fall 2017

Math 461  (Probability Theory)

Sections M13 and M14

CRN 62178 and 33523

Grading policy: Final grades will be determined on the basis
of the total numerical score achieved on exams and homework.

Component Weight
Final (1:30-4:30 p.m., Friday, December 15) 30% of grade
Hourly Exam 1 (Oct. 3rd in regular classroom): 20% of grade
Hourly Exam 2 (Nov. 14th in regular classroom): 20% of grade
Written homework: 15% of grade. Written homeworks are due within the first 10 minutes of class. No late homeworks will be accepted. None. Can you turn your homework assignment in late? No. We grade some subset of the assigned homework.  Some of this HW may involve some group coding assignments.
Quizzes: 15% of grade. There will be 12 in-class quizzes and we will drop the lowest 2. No makeups. That means no makeups. Can the quizzes be made up? No.

I will be away: Sept. 7, Oct 17, 19, 24, 26, and Dec. 5th.  We’ll have 6 makeup classes.  More or less, these will be 7 AM TR starting Sept. 12th.  Makeup classes will be Sept 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, and 28 in 141 AH from 6:30 AM to 8 AM.  Rise and shine!!!!