
Day 1: Thursday, April 15, 15:00-18:00 (CEST)

Module 1: Getting started with NetworkX
– Loading random and real networks using NetworkX
– Describing the statistics of a network at multiple levels (ego and dyad levels)

Module 2: Degrees and mixing patterns
– Analyzing the degree distribution of a network
– Mixing patterns (assortativity)
– Detecting communities in networks

Module 3: Network descriptives and basic visualizations
– Describing the statistics of a network at multiple levels (triad, subgroups, network levels)
– Operations on networks
– Visualizing a network using NetworkX

Day 2: Friday, April 16, 15:00-18:00 (CEST)

Module 4: Analyzing signed directed networks I
– Operations on directed and signed networks
– Evaluating micro-level balance

Module 5: Graph optimization
– Solving graph optimization problems using Gurobi in Jupyter

Module 6: Analyzing signed directed networks II
– Evaluating meso-level balance
– Evaluating macro-level balance