November Snapshot

November is a busy and critical month for pre-law students and alumni, between spring course registration, November LSAT, Fall Break/Thanksgiving holiday, end of semester deadlines, and of course working toward application submission – there is a lot to keep track of this month!

Below is a list of important dates, upcoming events, and reminders for November 2021! 

Be sure to check back throughout the month for updates and additions…

November 1: Still making course decisions for spring? Registration for spring is here!  Be sure to check out our Spring 2022 Pre-Law course suggestions online!

November 2:  “Recognizing and Preventing Burnout” Workshop. Hosted by UIUC Counseling Center, BIF 1041 at 7:00 pm.

November 3: Law Chat Live @ Noon: Wellness = Professionalism. Click here for more information.

November 3: PLAS Workshop: Pre-Law 101: Session 1 at 5:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 4: PLAS Workshop:  Drafting Your Application Personal Statements | Resumes | Addendums at Noon. Click here to register.

November 4: University of Chicago Law School and Black Law Students Association: Webinar-“Law School and the Law School Admissions Process” at 4:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 4: University of Chicago Law School: Deferred MBA/JD Information Session at 4:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 4:  IJourney Workshop-“Not All Wounds are Visible: Mental Health Stigma” at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 5-6: LSAC: Law School Forum- New York (in-person).

November 7: Application Deadline: Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance for Technology-Based Healthcare: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program for Summer 2022. Click here for more information.

November 8: National First-Generation Day Celebration hosted by OMSA. Click here for more information.

November 9: Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) Overview at 11:00 am. Click here to register.

November 9: NYU School of Law: Online Information Session at 1:00 pm. Students are encouraged to register by November 4. Click here to register.

November 9: PLAS Event: Law Schools Across America- Chicagoland+  Admissions Panel at 5:00 pm. For more information or to register click here.

November 9: “Boosting Resilience through Mindfulness” Workshop hosted by UIUC Counseling Center. In-person,  Huff Hall 1002 at 7:00 pm.

November 9: AccessLex: Webinar-“Applying to Law School: A Strategic Approach For Underrepresented Students” at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 10: PLAS Workshop: Pre-Law 101: Session 2 at 5:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 10: College of ACES is hosting a virtual panel with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers at 5:30 pm. Zoom link:

November 12: Internship DeadlineThe Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Spring 2022 Undergraduate Internship Application Deadline. Click here for more information.

November 12: Saint Louis University School of Law is hosting a Virtual Pre-Law Day at 12:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 12: “Shamar Betts Case: Unequal Justice in the Aftermath of George Floyd’s Murder” Lecture hosted by University YMCA. In-person at Latzer Hall or online via Zoom at 12:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 12-14: November LSAT Administration. Good luck to all of our test takers!

November 13: LSAC: Law School Forum- Los Angeles (in-person).

November 15: PLAS Workshop: Gap Year Presentation. Click here to register.

November 15: AccessLex “Applying to Law School” Webinar at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 16: AccessLex “The Road to Zero: A Strategic Approach to Student Loan Repayment” Webinar at 11:00 am. Click here for more information.

November 16:  Midwest Law School Virtual Fair from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 16: AccessLex “Building Your Law School Budget” Webinar-at 2:00 pm. Click here for more information.

November 16: TestMasters is hosting a virtual LSAT Workshop at 6:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 16: “Managing Stress: Know Your Limits and Needs” Workshop. Hosted by UIUC Counseling Center, Lincoln Hall 1092 at 7:00 pm.

November 17: Law Chat Live @ Noon: Building Your Resume- Strategies for Summer. Click here for more information.

November 17: University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law: Legal Employer Diversity Collective Pathway Project- Women in Law Presentation at 6:30 pm. Click here to register.

November 17: University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law: Collaborative Pathway Equity, Accuracy, and Representation Workshop at 6:30 pm. Click here to register.

November 18: University of Illinois College of Law: Prospective Student Webinar- “Many Ways to be a Lawyer: Exploring Different Career Paths” at 2:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 18-21:  The 17th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2021. Click here for more information.

November 30: Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS): Virtual Fellowships Information Session at 4:00 pm. Click here to register.

November 30: “Setting Healthy Boundaries with Alcohol and Drugs” Workshop. Hosted by UIUC Counseling Center,  Illini Union 209 at 7:00 pm.

November 30: Sign-Up Deadline- LSAT Study Groups: Our office will be putting together study groups for upcoming 2022 LSAT exams. These study groups are designed to help LSAT test takers learn from other takers, share resources, and to help keep takers accountable to a study plan. If you are an alum interested in being part of a Zoom study group with other alumni, you may also fill out the form. Study group assignments will be released by December 6th and groups can start as early as winter break. If interested, please fill out this form by 11:59pm on November 30th.