T-minus 2 Days: The Illinois Law Fair

Hello Illini…


We are now 2 DAYS away from the Illinois Grad, Law and Professional School Fair!!!

If you have not already done so – REGISTER NOW! Registering in advance allows you to express your interest to attending law schools and provides them the opportunity to reach out to you in advance with special invitations and information!

Law Fairs provide a unique opportunity for students to interact with a variety of law schools in one concise setting.  There are many virtual opportunities this fall – but  Illinois Law Fair provides unique one – on- one opportunities for Illinois students & alumni.  To help you prepare, below are a list of tips, strategies, and goals for Thursday!


Individuals may attend the fair for any number of reasons, be sure to keep in mind what you would like to accomplish. This will help you formulate questions and make the most out of your day! Below are a few goals you might have…

    • Discover more about specific law schools to help you decide where you would like to apply.
    • Ask for perspectives on your candidacy and learn more about what specific law schools are looking for in prospective students.
    • Learn more about the general application process and hear perspectives from admissions deans.
    • Make a connection with law schools you would like to attend, demonstrate your interest.
    • Learn more about what you can do with a legal education.
    • Explore the many diverse law schools and learn more about their unique attributes.
    • Discover new schools and programs that you did not know about!

Strategize – Make A Plan:

    • Determine when you will be able to attend the fair.
    • Do your homework and review general information about schools.
    • Identify your “must visit” schools, plan a questions or two for each.
    • Research school availability and make a personal schedule based on your availability and the schools – remember you can be in multiple chat rooms at the same time!

Note: The generally designated law hours are from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, however, each law school has set their own unique hours. Some will be hosting longer hours, starting earlier, or staying later.

    • Set-aside additional time to visit schools you haven’t considered before!

TIP: Search for law schools on the CareerEco site in advance by utilizing the search filters – we recommend putting “law” in the Areas of Study field.  You can also search by location and school name!

TIP: Pay close attention to the institution you are visiting as some schools may have multiple departments participating.  For example – The University of Illinois College of Law will have a chat room, as will the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

TIP:  Let law schools know you are interested in advance by checking the “interest” box on the school profile page.