Psychometrics of Psychosocial Variables in a Sexual and Gender Diverse Longitudinal Study
Citation: Junkins, E. J., Briley, D. A., Ogolsky, B. G., &Derringer, J. (under review, 2024). Psychometrics of psychosocial variables in a sexual and gender diverse longitudinal study.
Open-access pre-print:
Summary: How do we know whether psychological science generalizes across groups? Psychometrics, including the nomological network, are key for establishing the validity of psychological constructs in under-investigated populations. We used a sample of commonly studied variables to examine their psychometrics for generalizability. The findings showed remarkably similar cross-time associations and rank-order stability. The major contribution of this research is demonstrating that we do not see large differences in short-term longitudinal associations in specific underrepresented groups in psychosocial research.
Not Like Everybody Else But We’re the Same: Psychosocial Variables across Diverse Sexual and Gender Identities
Citation: Junkins, E. J., Ogolsky, B. G., & Derringer, J. (under review, 2024). Not Like Everybody Else But We’re the Same: Psychosocial Variables across Diverse Sexual and Gender Identities. [preprint]. PsyArXiv.
Open-access pre-print:
Summary: Psychological research has historically excluded participants with marginalized gender or sexual orientation identities, reifying the perception that queer identities are “non-normative” or “other”. The current study demonstrates that although differences in experience and outcomes (such as discrimination and depression) exist, most psychosocial variables have similar means, variances, and correlations across diverse gender and sexual orientation identities.
Personality Differences across Broader Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities
Citation: Junkins, E. J., Pantin, K. & Derringer, J. (2024). Personality across Broader Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities in an Online Convenience Sample. Journal of Research in Personality.
Open-access report:
Summary: A largely descriptive and exploratory project to better represent key aspects of human diversity and note patterns of differences across groups on personality traits. A limited range of human diversity is studied, so we will discuss implications for the attainability of diverse samples, representativeness, demographics, and population trends based on the current project.
Systematic Review of Queer and Minority Identities in Romantic Relationships Research
Citation: Junkins, E. J., Dugan, K., Chehab, S., Han, S., Liu, T., Yuan, J., & Derringer, J. (2024). Systematic Review of Queer People and Minority Identities in Romantic Relationships Research. Psychology & Sexuality. DOI: 10.1080/19419899.2024.2307045
Open-access report:
Summary: A metascience project reporting on the exclusive practices operating over the past 5 years in empirical research published in the top relationships research outlets for psychology and related fields. The review addresses the representativeness of queer people in romantic relationships literature and the comparative representativeness of racial, ethnic, gender, and sexuality identities in U.S. samples.
The Interaction of Personality and Power Dynamics on Relationship Functioning in Diverse Partnerships
A project being conducted as a registered report. In short, you submit an introduction and methods showing the merits of the design and theoretical framing of your research questions before you get to conduct the study. We have submitted our plan for review, 2024.