A Celebration of life and work of David Pines
March 29-30, 2019
Department of Physics & Institute for Condensed Matter Theory of the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
We are organizing a Conference to honor and remember our colleague David Pines, who passed away on May 3, 2018. Superconductivity is a problem that was the focus of David’s work for more than sixty years. What will be more fitting than to have a conference on where we are in this field today and on its future!
We have contacted and confirmed the speakers for this meeting. We chose to bring here some of the leading theorists and experimentalists in the field (both young and not as young) as well as people who will speak about some other areas of David’s (many) areas of interest. They are:
- Peter Abbamonte (Illinois)
- Gordon Baym (Illinois)
- Erez Berg (Weizman Institute)
- Piers Coleman (Rutgers)
- Nick Curro (UC Davis)
- Rafael Fernandes (Minnesota)
- Laura Greene (National High Magnetic Field Lab)
- Catherine Kallin (McMaster)
- Steven Kivelson (Stanford)
- Patrick Lee (MIT)
- Tony Leggett (Illinois)
- Gil Lonzarich (Cambridge)
- Andrew Millis (Columbia)
- Mike Norman (Argonne)
- Christopher Pethick (Niels Bohr Institute/NORDITA)
- Douglas Scalapino (UC Santa Barbara)
- T. Senthil (MIT)
- Joe Thompson (Los Alamos)
- Dale Van Harlingen (Illinois)
- Chandra Varma (UC Riverside/UC Berkeley)
We will be running a shuttle between the Hyatt and Engineering Sciences at:
8:20 am & 8:40 am and back after the events.
Conference Organizers:
Andrey Chubukov, Eduardo Fradkin and Jörg Schmalian
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Conference Secretary:
Janice Benner: jbenner@illinois.edu