Where do you want your degree to take you?

The Physics major is more versatile than you might think. This blog aims to show you the full range of opportunities available to you as you consider your post-graduation plans. But beware: simply passing your classes is not enough to guarantee success. There are a number of qualifications you need to be a competitive graduate school or job candidate.  Take the time to learn about what you want you think you want to do. Learn what it takes to get there as soon as you can. We are here to help every step of the way.

note: This blog is still under construction. If you have a question, encounter a problem, or want to leave feedback on how we are doing, please reach out at physab.uiuc@gmail.com. Thank you!


There’s more to a college education than classes. Explore the extracurricular opportunities available to you here at the University of Illinois. Taking advantage of these resources will help you grow as a student, professional, and person. Below you will find a curated list of opportunities ranging from student societies to personal development programs.

Join The Society of Physics Students

Join The Society for Women in Physics

Get involved with GPS

Volunteer with Physvan

Join The Society for Underrepresented Physics Students

Join Physics International

If you know of an extracurricular program, organization, certificate, minor or double major that  you think should be on this list, please email physab.uiuc@gmail.com. Our only requirement is that you, or a Physics major you know, have personal experience with this opportunity.