Current maize production is more than sufficient to meet domestic needs in Zambia, and yet there are volatile maize prices, and a majority of Zambians still living in rural poverty. Experts identify poor crop marketing as one of two major causes for the lack of food security, with inadequate government storage leading to estimated postharvest […]
Curbing Maize Postharvest Losses Continues
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) hosted a stakeholder workshop under their ‘Effective Grain Storage for Sustainable Livelihoods of African Farmers Project’, with objectives to provide a forum for ideas, raise awareness, share technology, consult actors on adoption, and engage in policy dialogue around postharvest loss.
Metal Silos Bring Hope to Chipata Artisans
Tinsmiths are benefitting from a postharvest loss prevention program run by The Centre for International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Eastern Province, Zambia. Fifty-two craftsmen have been trained to support the fabrication of 200 metal silos for household grain storage.
Bühler Joins Growing Africa Assistance Initiative
Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM.{FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1
We Need a Systematic And Harmonized Postharvest Mechanism – Sichinga
As COMESA host, Zambian Minister of Agriculture and Livestock spoke of the need for systematic and harmonized efforts for reducing loss in the region. Sichinga highlighted the lack of storage in Zambia, and the resulting 32% loss of maize each year.
World Bank Support for Boosting Food Production in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia
The World Bank approved $89.4 million in credit to assist governments of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia in establishing Regional Centers of Leadership for staple grains, and other projects to boost food and farm productivity.
Maize Milling Plan by Zambia’s Cooperatives
The Zambia Cooperative Federation announced development plans to construct maize milling facilities in selected provinces in the country. The facilities will bring processing capacity to communities which need to add value to their crops and produce staple household foods self-sufficiently. The Federation seeks government and stakeholder backing for their plans.
Zambia National Farmer’s Union Called for More Investment
The Zambia National Farmer’s Union has stated that Zambia’s infrastructure, particularly roads, rail network, and storage facilities are factors in the country’s food insecurity. The Union has called upon the government for more investment in this area, and that PHL could be cut by addressing production sites and transportation stages.
Effective Grain Storage for Sustainable Livelihoods of African Farmers in Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
A report on the initial phases of a program on “Effective Grain Storage for Sustainable Livelihoods of African Farmers in Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe” (PDF) was posted on the website
Africa: Private Equity Deal to Spur Growth in Agribusiness
Zeder Investments Limited is committing US $46.7 million to acquire and expand Chayton Africa, an agricultural business. Chayton Africa will be transformed from its status as a private equity vehicle into an agricultural operating company. The company currently produces 10% of Zambian soya and 5% of its wheat, with production increase estimates for the next […]