By: Kari Wozniak & Kevin Glauber, ADM Institute By 2050, we will need to feed billions more people using less natural resources. Though no less important, this is not an unfamiliar fact. Another fact not unfamiliar is that each year 1/3 of all food is lost or wasted. That values at 1.3 billion tonnes of […]

Save the Date for The First International Congress on Postharvest Loss Prevention

For research project, ADMI calling for success stories on PHL interventions via online survey
by ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss There’s no doubt – awareness about postharvest loss is increasing. While decision-makers worldwide continue to learn about the important impact of postharvest loss (PHL) reduction on food security, environmental sustainability, and rural livelihoods, we have also seen an increase in calls for evidence-based knowledge on how to […]

Are Farmers with Postharvest Loss Acting Rationally?
by Steve Sonka, Ag Economist Events vs. Structure External observers of postharvest loss in developing countries typically have little difficulty identifying loss and waste. Indeed each winter the ADM Institute contributes to the travel funding for University of Illinois business and agricultural engineering students to study in rural India. The resulting student blogs (see one […]
Research Funding and Skills Key to Food for Post-2015
Public spending on agricultural research must double in the next decade if the world is to successfully move to sustainable methods of food production, says a UN-backed report.
Food Waste Within Global Systems
This report was commissioned by the UK’s Global Food Security (GFS) programme to better understand the issues surrounding food waste in developing and developed countries, with a particular focus on understanding where new approaches and new research may be instrumental in reducing waste.
Italy Calls for Food Security to Be U.N. Priority
Italy wants to lead efforts to make food security a priority for global policy makers, Prime Minister Enrico Letta said in his recent debut speech at the United Nations General Assembly.
To Feed the World in 2050, We Need to Discuss Agriculture at UN Climate Change Talks
Farming First, a multi-stakeholder coalition of organizations promoting sustainable agriculture, advocates the discussion of agriculture at upcoming UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Warsaw, Poland this November. Farming First has published a guide designed as an aid for those taking part in climate change discussions.
Food Waste Statistics Leave A Bad Taste
An opinion editorial in The Nation comments on the negative impacts of global food loss and food waste. MS Swaminathan, famous for his work in spurring the Indian ‘green revolution’, remarks that issues of loss and waste are becoming central to discussions on food security and sustainable development.
Guiding Value Chain Development: Comparing Approaches
The World AgroForestry Centre and The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation released a report that reviews 11 guides for value chain development (VCD). The tool is meant for practitioners and field workers implementing VCD programs and activities.
Smallholder Farmers’ Highway to Food Markets
A July 2013 FAO report, “Smallholder Integration in Changing Markets”, emphasizes the heterogeneity of subsistence farmers, concluding there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It also emphasizes the reluctance of farmers to increase production when proper postharvest facilities and infrastructure are non-existent.