Tag Archives | Wheat
<span style="font-size: 11px;font: Arial;color: #999999">Laborer uses claw-like tools to grip bags. <em>Credit: ADM Institute/Kari Wozniak</em></span>

Comparing Storage Facilities, Different Methods Lead to Postharvest Loss

by Trent Houdek and Eddy Salinas, Juniors in Supply Chain Management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The following post was written by students on an ADM Institute-sponsored observation study tour through India. Comparative analysis was the name of the game on one of our last days in India. While in the state of […]

<span style="font-size: 11px;font: Arial;color: #999999">On a facility tour, staff showed students how quality control, logistics, inventory management, and other functions operate at Adani. <em>Credit: ADM Institute/Kari Wozniak</em></span>

Newer Facility Shows Efficient Grain Management in India is Possible, But Not Yet Justified

by Daniel Benz and Samer Ijaz, Junior and Senior in Supply Chain Management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The following post was written by students on an ADM Institute-sponsored observation study tour through India. Storage is an important facet of supply chain management, as it deals with issues related to pricing, inventory management, […]


India School Tragedy Raises Questions for Gandhi’s Food Plan

At least 23 children died in India after eating contaminated food served under the free school lunch program. The tragedy raises concern over whether quality and safety standards can be sufficiently monitored and maintained when the new Food Security Ordinance rolls out, which more than doubles the reach of government food subsidies. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/18/us-india-food-idUSBRE96H0HL20130718


Govt to Offer Surplus Wheat in Punjab, Haryana for Sale

The Union Government will sell 8.5 million tonnes of wheat through its Open Market Sales scheme from stocks in Punjab and Haryana to alleviate overcrowded storage. http://www.business-standard.com/article/markets/govt-to-offer-surplus-wheat-in-punjab-haryana-for-sale-113071700699_1.html


Huge Wheat Stocks at Risk in Punjab, Haryana

The storage capacity for procured grains in Punjab and Haryana is insufficient for this year’s large harvests, forcing 11 million tonnes of food grain to be kept in temporary storage. Heavy monsoons are expected to arrive early in these states, and many are worried the open air or plastic-covered storage will not be sufficient. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/agri-biz/11-million-tonnes-of-wheat-at-risk-in-punjab-haryana/article4914943.ece


Haryana: 2.5 lakh wheat sacks left in the open to rot

This video news broadcast covers problems that occur when wheat is stored in the open in India, specifically during the wet monsoon months. In addition to financial losses, improper storage also give rise to other problems such as rising hunger, corruption, and environmental damage. http://ibnlive.in.com/news/haryana-25-lakh-wheat-sacks-left-in-the-open-to-rot/406417-3-240.html


While Thousands Starve, Tons of Wheat Found Dumped in River

Hundreds of sacks of wheat were found in a small waterway 200km outside of Bhopal, India, of which at least 50 contained rotten grain. Officials are investigating the cause of the incident. http://daily.bhaskar.com/article/MP-BHO-wheat-sacks-dumped-4306089-NOR.html


Wheat Worth Rs 45 Crore Rotten at FCI’s Godowns in First Monsoon Month

Farmers are angry over the lack of storage for the just-beginning monsoon season as the Food Security bill remains pending, and bumper stocks pile up in government godowns. http://www.fnbnews.com/article/detnews.asp?articleid=33897&sectionid=1


Growth in Crop Yields Inadequate to Feed the World by 2050 – Research

University of Minnesota, United States, researchers say crop yields are far below targets for 2050, after analyzing 2.5 million agricultural statistics. Looking at maize, rice, wheat, and soybeans, they found yield improvement grew between 0.9% to 1.6%, far slower than the 2.4% necessary to meet calorie demands. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jun/20/crop-yeilds-world-population Report — http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0066428


India to Consider Allowing Extra Wheat Exports on Friday

As procured stocks reach 44 million tonnes as of June 1, India is considering adding two million more tonnes of wheat to its tender scheme of 4.5 million tonnes, of which nearly all has been released. http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/06/19/india-wheat-exports-idINDEE95I06R20130619
