Ghana Grains Company uses the Warehousing Receipt System to reduce farmers’ PHL. The company is also providing training to farmers unfamiliar with the concept so that they can fully utilize the services offered by the WRS to achieve better returns at the market level. Kenyan farmers are also using a similar system for maize storage […]
Reducing African Farmers Post Harvest Losses
A project run by MicroEnterprise Africa is seeking funding via a charity-supporting online platform. The goal for the project is to build a warehouse to preserve Malawi subsistence farmers’ harvest from insects and pests. The charity runs a farm, collects produce, and transports it to markets, and seeks to expand its resources through storage and […]
Agriculture Should be a Close Companion
The Vietnamese agricultural sector’s high growth of 5.5% as compared with other Southeast Asian countries has led to stable growth and the ability to combat poverty. However, the Mekong River Delta, which accounts for 32% of the country’s farming land, is highly underutilized and unproductive due to outdated postharvest technology. Additionally, facilities such as warehouses […]
Farmers to Use Warehouse Receipts for Loans
In collaboration with USAID, the Ghana Grains Council will bring more warehousing receipt systems to the country in order to help farmers in securing loans while waiting for better prices on the market. This project will directly benefit about 3,000 farmers and processors through efficient grain storage and marketing. The project recently had proven success […]
Indian Wheat Rots in the Open After Bumper Harvest
The Indian storage situation is steadily worsening. After the rains, millions of tons of wheat, which had no place to be properly stored and were left in the open, are now rotting with mildew. In some provinces, farmers are sifting through rotting wheat to find grains which are still edible—from piles of wheat that had […]
Food Ministry Faces a Problem of Plenty Now
India continues to be plagued by its lack of storage and government members are struggling to find additional places to put the excess grains of this year’s harvest. As only 85% of government godown (warehouse) capacity is utilized, the government plans to use them in full and also to hire the use of private godowns. […]
Government to Improve the Grains Industry
The Government of Ghana and Ghana Grains Council have made plans to collaborate in initiatives to reduce PHL. The government provided legal and regulatory framework that enabled the establishment of the Ghana Commodity Exchange and Warehouse Receipt System. The GGC has trained 2,500 farmers in post-harvest handling and the use of warehouse receipt systems, and […]
FCI to Get Another 8 mt Storage Facility in 18 Months
The Food Corporation of India is looking to build another 8 metric tonne storage facility in the next 18 months. Currently 51 metric tonnes of space is available in storage facilities when there is a need for storage for 63 metric tonnes. Warehouses are to be built near producing and consuming centers in order to […]
Need to Step up Investments for Better Food Storage Facilities
This op-ed article written by the CEO of YES Bank in India examines the efforts made by the Indian government to address PHL, including warehouses, current need for storage facilities, public-private-partnerships, and in which ways these efforts need to change and be modified.
Nabard to Incentivise Banks to Boost Investment in Warehousing
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) is encouraging other commercial banks to join its initiative in increasing warehousing capacity in order to help reduce PHL. Farmers will benefit from warehouse storage of their crops and achieve better price realization, while banks will benefit from interest charged. Nabard will assist the commercial banks who fund […]