Tag Archives | United States

Minnesota Workers Share Expertise Across the Globe

A Minnesota-based non-profit, Partners in Food Solutions, provides business and technical training to farmers abroad by matching food processing industry volunteers with businesses in developing nations. http://www.startribune.com/opinion/commentaries/224647761.html


US to help UP Minimize Postharvest Losses

The United States and the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have agreed to address postharvest losses by aligning US support as well as collaboration between universities from both countries. http://india.nydailynews.com/business/03e947c7216511bd6aeabb67f0f8d708/us-to-help-up-minimise-post-harvest-losses


ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Measurement and Technology Development Videos

The ADM Institute published a blog post on the AgriLinks Knowledge-Driven International Development (KDID) site about the benefits and obstacles of conducting international research on measurement and technology development. Three researcher videos were highlighted as well. http://agrilinks.kdid.org/blog/adm-institute-prevention-postharvest-loss-measurement-and-technology-development-videos


Global Crop Yields Fail to Keep Pace with Demand

According to a study by researchers at the Institute on the Environment from the University of Minnesota, it is very likely the world will experience famine without an increase in agricultural research. Experts believe yields of major crops are not keeping pace with the food demands of a growing population. http://www.scidev.net/global/food-security/news/global-crop-yields-fail-to-keep-pace-with-demand.html


Africa: Saving Food Saves Lives

This article describes the effects of postharvest losses in the food chain, specifically in regards to food security, malnutrition, and poverty rates in a particular country. It also overviews the role of the United States government and President Obama’s Feed the Future initiative in curbing losses. http://allafrica.com/stories/201307161296.html


Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs released the report, ‘Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business’, at their recent symposium in Washington, D.C. The report sites reducing loss as an essential element to sustainable intensification of agriculture. The Council also covered postharvest loss in a commentary piece leading up to the event. http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/UserFiles/File/GlobalAgDevelopment/Report/2013_Advancing_Global_Food_Security.pdf


Reducing Food Waste May Feed Hungry Billions

At an annual meeting of the world’s largest scientific society, the American Chemical Society, the keynote speaker addressed the importance of reducing food loss and food waste in order to feed a population of 9 billion. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-04-08/health/38372064_1_food-supply-food-losses-waste


New Book Outlines Best Practices for Stored Grains

A new publication from Kansas State University in the United States, Stored Product Protection, has been lauded the “most comprehensive manual on stored product protection in the world”. The book contains 350 pages and 31 chapters of information and resources for individuals involved in grain storage, commodity management, food storing and processing, and other related […]


On Preventing Postharvest Loss

A United States government official says solving postharvest loss requires investment and scaling up of technologies, as well as cooperation between sectors. http://editorials.voa.gov/content/postharvest-development-josefernandez/1619843.html


UIUC and Njala University Students in Sierra Leone

The ADM Institute is dedicated to engaging students in its work as an information hub. Throughout the academic year, the institute supports a variety of educational opportunities and efforts, including academic programs abroad. Currently, six undergraduate students from the College of Agriculture and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois are spending a semester at […]
