A trade specialist says the lack of observation of modern postharvest handling practices in Uganda is a serious challenge for the grain industry, which must ensure quality to remain competitive. Experts call for an enforceable grain policy to mitigate the physical and revenue losses incurred by poor practices such as ground drying and improper pest […]
Uganda: Maize Maze
Informal trade of maize in Uganda leaves farmers in constant speculation of good prices, often making it expensive to properly store grain. The World Food Programme says Ugandan maize has huge market potential if farmers meet the East African Standard for maize grain, something stakeholders are keen to avoid given the lucrative, cash-immediate nature of […]
Mobile Phones Unleash Farmers in Uganda
A new cloud-based mobile platform that combines agricultural information and financial services is being made available to smallholder farmers in Uganda. The platform collects data and optimizes services and product offerings based off data analysis and farmer history. The platform was developed by Farmers Centre (U) Ltd., which is already uploading info about its 10,000 clients. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Making-a-difference/Change-Agent/2013/0509/Mobile-phones-unleash-farmers-in-Uganda
African Smallholder Farmers Need to Become Virus Detectors
Plant viruses cause up to $175 million dollars in losses in East Africa per year. Many farmers are unware of affected crops until after harvest when viruses cause rotting. http://allafrica.com/stories/201302130442.html?page=2
U.S Contributes $7.9 mn to UN’s Food Program
USAID contributed US$7.9 million to the UN World Food Program towards projects that are working to improve agriculture and market access for smallholder farmers in Uganda. Activities include building and upgrading warehouses, repairing feeder roads, and providing market information. http://www.independent.co.ug/news/news/7068-us-contributes-79mn-to-uns-food-program?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRouu6%2FMZKXonjHpfsX86%2BwrXqO1lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4FSspmI%2FqLAzICFpZo2FFcH%2FaQZA%3D%3D
Uganda: Collective Actions Shield Small-Holder Farmers
Ugandan small-holder farmers find collectives advantageous and profitable, while learning valuable postharvest and business skills. The Kapchorwa Commercial Farmers’ Association (KCFA) has a warehouse and provides training to farmers, while improving incomes through using Warehouse Receipt Systems. The WFP Uganda Country Director has noted that over $600,000 in bank credit has been offered to the […]
The Impact of Post-Harvest Losses in a Ugandan Context
“Protecting Harvests – The Impact of Post-Harvest Losses in a Ugandan Context” was presented at the Rio+20 Agriculture and Rural Development Day by a member of the World Farmers Organisation. http://www.slideshare.net/cgiarclimate/ardd2012-rio-learning-event-no-10-session-akaki
Protecting Harvests – The Impact of Post-Harvest Losses in a Ugandan Context
Slides on “Protecting Harvests – The Impact of Post-Harvest Losses in a Ugandan Context” as presented in Rio de Janeiro during the Agriculture and Rural Development Day are available online. http://www.slideshare.net/cgiarclimate/ardd2012-rio-learning-event-no-10-session-akaki
Hopes of Reviving Cooperative Unions Shattered
Uganda’s cooperative movement will not be revived as had been hoped due to a small budget allocated by the government. The Trade Minister cited the inadequate legal framework, poor storage facilities and infrastructure, and insufficient knowledge as major hindrances to cooperative expansion. http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Hopes+of+reviving+cooperative+unions+shattered/-/688334/1402320/-/fylo2jz/-/
Israel, U.S. Pledge to Expand Agricultural Cooperation in Africa
Israel and the United States have pledged to expand agricultural cooperation in Africa, focusing on Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Both Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation and USAID will be working on reducing PHL, irrigation issues, productivity, and applying R&D results. http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-u-s-pledge-to-expand-agricultural-cooperation-in-africa-1.425587