A former Kenyan government official remarks on Rwanda’s progress in leveraging technology to improve agricultural productivity. The introduction of the East African Commodities Exchange (EAX) allows farmers access to trade and financing through use of electronic warehousing receipts. Farmers have greater access to markets, and postharvest losses are reported to have decreased by 5%. http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Opinion+and+Analysis/Agriculture+needs+technological+solutions/-/539548/1971484/-/a7ohef/-/index.html
Asia Works on Regional Rice Stragey to Address Changing Conditions
Rice exports from Asia continue to increase in line with demand from markets in Africa and the Middle East. The FAO, in collaboration with the World Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank, will develop a regional strategy that addresses production efficiency, postharvest losses, trade patterns, nutrition, and eating habits, among other topics. The report […]
Agriculture Department Working on 3 PPP Projects
The Grains Central Project underway in the Philippines seeks to rehabilitate, expand, and enhance existing corn trading and processing centers nationwide. There are 11 corn Postharvest Processing and Trading Centers proposed to be included in the project. http://www.sunstar.com.ph/breaking-news/2013/07/15/agriculture-department-working-3-ppp-projects-292605
India to Consider Allowing Extra Wheat Exports on Friday
As procured stocks reach 44 million tonnes as of June 1, India is considering adding two million more tonnes of wheat to its tender scheme of 4.5 million tonnes, of which nearly all has been released. http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/06/19/india-wheat-exports-idINDEE95I06R20130619
Uganda: Maize Maze
Informal trade of maize in Uganda leaves farmers in constant speculation of good prices, often making it expensive to properly store grain. The World Food Programme says Ugandan maize has huge market potential if farmers meet the East African Standard for maize grain, something stakeholders are keen to avoid given the lucrative, cash-immediate nature of […]
Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs released the report, ‘Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business’, at their recent symposium in Washington, D.C. The report sites reducing loss as an essential element to sustainable intensification of agriculture. The Council also covered postharvest loss in a commentary piece leading up to the event. http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/UserFiles/File/GlobalAgDevelopment/Report/2013_Advancing_Global_Food_Security.pdf
IFPRI Strategy 2013 – 2018: Food Policy Research in a Time of Unprecedented Challenges
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) published a strategy report for the next 5 years in food policy research. Their first strategic area is ‘ensuring sustainable food production’, which encompasses reduction of waste within the food system. Read the full report here, or see highlights here. http://www.ifpri.org/publication/ifpri-strategy-2013-2018 Full report: http://www.ifpri.org/sites/default/files/publications/gi40.pdf Highlights: http://www.ifpri.org/sites/default/files/publications/strategy2013hl.pdf
Farmers Want Government Support to Improve Local Rice Farming
Local rice farmers in Ghana are putting pressure on the government to support rice production to discourage the importation of thousands of tonnes of rice annually. Stakeholders are appealing for an extension of the Project for Sustainable Development of Rain-Fed Lowland Rice Production, which will end in 2014. http://www.modernghana.com/news/458596/1/farmers-want-gov-support-to-improve-local-rice-far.html
Lack of Covered Storage Space for Food Grain Poses Big Challenge for Government
India lacks storage for at least one-third of the bumper wheat and rice crops that will be ready in June, with government procurement set to begin on April 1. The government looks to export large amounts, but faces issues with rail and water transport system capacity. http://ibnlive.in.com/news/lack-of-covered-storage-space-for-food-grain-poses-big-challenge-for-government/376678-3.html
States Lifted Only 70% Additional Foodgrains Released by Centre
The Indian government’s procurement system is under public scrutiny by farmers, millers, and other experts who highlight inconsistent operating procedures as the reason why large stockpiles go undistributed to millions of food-insecure families and individuals, which is 25% of the population, according to one article. Stockpiles that are not lifted often generate postharvest loss of […]