by ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss There’s no doubt – awareness about postharvest loss is increasing. While decision-makers worldwide continue to learn about the important impact of postharvest loss (PHL) reduction on food security, environmental sustainability, and rural livelihoods, we have also seen an increase in calls for evidence-based knowledge on how to […]

For research project, ADMI calling for success stories on PHL interventions via online survey
Are Mobile Phones Helping Farmers?
Mobile phones are increasingly cited as a game changing tool in rural development and agricultural extension. A survey by CIMMYT, however, finds that information provided via mobile is often generic and limited. Experts say dynamic databases of individualized data are needed to make the information useful and effective.
The Mud on Their Legs – Farmer to Farmer Videos in Uganda
Paul Van Mele and colleagues created eleven farmer-to-farmer learning videos in Bangladesh and West Africa about growing rice from seed to postharvest beginning in 2003. The USAID funded project, Modernizing Extension and Advisory Systems (MEAS), funded this case study analysis in Uganda describing what researchers observed during a return visit in November 2012.,%20J%20and%20P%20Van%20Mele%20-%20July%202013%20-%202.pdf
Lack of Proper Storage System Causing Inflation in KP: Survey
A survey reviewing the region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has found that lack of proper storage facilities is directly related to food price increases, particularly for that of wheat. “The current post-harvest wastage of wheat can be minimised through improved harvesting practices, solicited and farmer-friendly procurement processes, including timely provision of jute bags and outreach and transparent […]
Agricultural Post-harvest Waste Generation and Management for Selected Crops in Minna, Niger State, North Central Nigeria
The Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation recently published the report ‘Agricultural Post-Harvest Waste Generation and Management for Selected Crops in Minna, Niger State, North Central Nigeria’. The report examines the amount of postharvest residues of maize, rice, and groundnuts, as well as implications and methods to reduce and reuse the waste.
Assessment of Postharvest Losses of Some Selected Crops in Eight Local Government Areas of River States in Nigeria
New report analyzes postharvest losses of selected crops in 8 local government areas in Nigeria. Although dealing mainly with vegetables, maize is highlighted as well. Works Cited includes some other resources to consider.