Tag Archives | Philippines

Study: Postharvest Projects Most Viable Livelihood

A recent World Bank quality review study concluded that postharvest facilities are the most successful livelihood projects in the Philippines. As compared to livestock or fishery projects, postharvest facilities add more value and provide farmers with immediate income. http://www.sunstar.com.ph/davao/business/2013/02/17/study-postharvest-projects-most-viable-livelihood-268741


World Bank Study: Pre-, Post-Harvest Projects Most Feasible for Farmers

A recent World Bank quality review study concluded that postharvest facilities are the most successful livelihood projects in the Philippines. As compared to livestock or fishery projects, postharvest facilities add more value and provide farmers with immediate income. http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/index.php/business/agri-commodities/9263-world-bank-study-pre-post-harvest-projects-most-feasible-for-farmers


Asia’s Future Food Security Hinges on Modernization of Farm to Market Chains

ADB and the International Food Policy Research Center released a report on the importance of strong market supply chains in Asia. “The Quiet Revolution in Staple Value Food Chains” describes successes within the system and stresses the need to scale-up those strategies. http://www.adb.org/news/asias-future-food-security-hinges-modernization-farm-market-chains?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRohsqzKZKXonjHpfsX86%2BwrXqO1lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4FScRkI%2FqLAzICFpZo2FFcH%2FaQZA%3D%3D


Korean-Funded Corn Processing Center to be Inaugurated Dec. 12

A new, Korean-funded postharvest processing center was inagurated in Northern Mindanao, Philippines on December 12. The center will bring the market closer to the farmers and include a community center, integrated post-harvest facilities, a warehouse, and a demonstration farm. http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Economy&title=Korean-funded-corn-processing-center-to-be-inaugurated-Dec.-12&id=62595


Facilities for Mindanao Farmers Built by Japanese NGO Completed

A Japanese NGO turned over postharvest loss facilities in the southern part of the Philippines, worth around $400,000 USD, which were constructed using Japanese government funds for the “Construction of Small-Scale Agriculture Facilities for Climate Change Adaptation” project. At least 9 other facilities have been constructed for crops such as rice, corn, and cassava. http://businessmirror.com.ph/index.php/business/agri-commodities/2499-facilities-for-mindanao-farmers-built-by-japanese-ngo-completed


Scraping Together All the Rice We Waste

Some experts doubt the Philippines will reach its goal of self-sufficiency in rice production by the end of next year, saying it will take until at least 2020, but most likely longer. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank agree that financing requirements for necessary infrastructure developments are too large and realistically unattainable. The […]


Agriculture Department Urged to Invest More in R&D Projects

A Filipino senator urged the country’s Department of Agriculture to increase investments in agricultural research and development to improve efficiency of the ag sector. He cited postharvest loss as a major issue and a significant reason to invest in modernization of facilities, logistics, and infrastructure. http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/292030/agriculture-department-urged-to-invest-more-in-rd-projects


Communication Officers Produce Videos to Outscale Postharvest Technologies

The IRRI Training Center in Los Banos, Philippines, is using videos to help train farmers on how to use new technologies effectively in the reduction of PHL. Recent videos focus on the IRRI Superbag and flatbed dryers. Each video discusses how to use the respective technology and making the videos appealing through the addition of […]


Photo Contest on Postharvest Loss Prevention

Philmech, the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization, is organizing the first-ever photo conteston Postharvest Loss Reduction in the Philippines, to celebrate its 35th anniversary. http://www.philmech.gov.ph/?page=news&action=details&code01=AP12070001


UN Urges Asia to Cut Post-Harvest Losses

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Unido) is urging Asian nations to reduce their PHL. This statement was made at a recent ASEAN meeting, in which Asian PHL has been estimated to be around 30% of yearly food production, and valued at about $5 billion. Rice in particular is plagued by rodents, which cause about […]
