A $100 million initiative called AgResults has been rolled out in Kenya to stem postharvest losses. The project will work with entrepreneurs with the financial capability to develop cost-effective storage facilities and distribute them to the farmers. The project is funded by the UK, US, Australia, Canada, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. http://mobile.nation.co.ke/business/Firm-launches-Sh8-7bn-fund-to-stem-post-harvest-losses/-/1950106/1998356/-/format/xhtml/-/10361nuz/-/index.html
Mitigating Aflatoxin Exposure to Improve Child Growth in Eastern Kenya
A project by the International Food Policy Research Center (IFPRI) seeks to identify and utilize postharvest and storage technologies to reduce aflatoxin exposure, and studies the impact of reduced exposure on child nutrition. The project will take place in 65 villages in Eastern province, Kenya. http://www.ifpri.org/publication/mitigating-aflatoxin-exposure-improve-child-growth-eastern-kenya
Young Kenyan Woman Named Recipient of 2013 Borlaug Field Award for Scientific Biological Breakthroughs Combating Deadly Grain Mold
Kenyan food scientist, Dr. Charity Mutegi, is honored for her efforts in reducing aflatoxin contamination in Kenya. Mutegi is leading the development of a biocontrol product used to fight off aflatoxins in maize. The award is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and administered by the World Food Prize. http://www.worldfoodprize.org/index.cfm/24667/25372/young_kenyan_woman_named_recipient_of_2013_borlaug_field_award_for_scientific_biological_breakthroughs_combating_deadly_grain_mold
Running a Farm Business From Your Phone?
A Kenyan company has created an app that tracks deliveries from farm to market. The app, Agrimanagr, monitors inventory, supports mobile payments, and weighs out products with information on the cloud. http://www.bloomberg.com/video/running-a-farm-business-from-your-phone-6gEsyI5YS6u8rYZeomaPtQ.html
Curbing Maize Postharvest Losses Key to Attaining Food Security in Kenya
The International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center (CIMMYT) paired with the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) to organize a training course on postharvest management. Kenya experiences an estimated 40% loss of staple grains, which poses great challenges to the country’s food security and economic development. http://blog.cimmyt.org/?p=10681
Once Upon A Village Value Chain in Africa
The Deputy Director for Agriculture for Impact, Michael Hoevel, writes about rural transformations he witnesses during a visit to a Kenyan village. Hoevel stresses the impact of value chain activities on productivity, income generation, and food security in describing the work of several organizations focused on this type of intervention. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-hoevel/once-upon-a-village-value_b_3585450.html
Kenya: 2.5 Million Bags of Maize Rotting in NCPB Silos
The National Cereals and Produce Board under the Strategic Grain Reserves is paralyzed by a debt dispute and is unable to perform any operations, including fumigating maize in storage. Officials hope the issue can be resolved in the courts before the maize is lost to rotting. http://allafrica.com/stories/201307031041.html
Sh45m for Cereals Warehouse
The Kenyan government is constructing a large scale warehouse in Kanyekiini County, Central Province, to reduce postharvest losses. The project is expected to offer local youth employment opportunities and improve farmers’ incomes. http://www.nation.co.ke/Counties/Sh45million-for-cereals-warehouse/-/1107872/1909594/-/yx5y58/-/index.html
Kenya: Grain Purchase Plan for Machakos
A county government will buy maize from farmers to reduce risks of exploitation from middlemen, as well as to control presence of aflatoxin that is frequently found in home-stored grain. http://allafrica.com/stories/201306110145.html
Bühler Joins Growing Africa Assistance Initiative
Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM. http://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/news_home/International/2013/05/Buhler_joins_growing_Africa_as.aspx?ID={FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1