The movement of food grains by the Food Corporation of India across the country has gone up by 30% in the last quarter as compared to the corresponding period last year. Officials say that with the new food security law, efforts are being made to “optimize movement of food grains throughout the country.”
FCI to Create Additional 5.4 Lakh Tonnes of Food Grain Storage Capacity in NE
The Food Corporation of India will create an additional 5.4 lakh tonnes of food grain capacity in the North Eastern States. Given the “strategic importance” of the region, the FCI has prepared a special package exclusively for the North East.
Food Losses and Waste in China and Their Implication for Water and Land
Researchers from Beijing Forest University performed a comprehensive review on available information on food loss and food waste in China. Results show 19% of grains are lost from field to fork.
Create 50 Grain Storage Facilities for Food Law: M S Swaminathan
In order to implement the Food Security Law smoothly, the government should create ultra-modern foodgrain storage facilities – each with a million tonne capacity – at 50 locations across the country, noted agriculture scientist M S Swaminathan.
Of Indian Food Security
A critic of the food security law debate argues the perspective that the idea behind and purpose of the bill is deserving of credit, even if the implementation will be a challenge.
Grain Warehousing Demand Expected to Grow in India
Experts say that demand for grain warehousing in India will likely grow 5-6% in the next 5 years. Increased investment participation from the private sector, specifically large corporate entities, will be necessary to meet infrastructure demands, where the government is currently the majority owner.
Marandagahamula Grain Storage Complex Opened
The government of Sri Lanka opened a grain storage and trading complex at one of the country’s leading wholesale paddy markets where 60,000 tons of grains can be stored. The complex is part of a government plan for increased food security and economic development in the country’s agricultural sector.
US to help UP Minimize Postharvest Losses
The United States and the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have agreed to address postharvest losses by aligning US support as well as collaboration between universities from both countries.
Using Technology for India’s Food Program
States of India Chhattisgarh and Orissa are using technology to increase the efficiency of their food delivery systems in light of the food security law, standing out as models for other states on reducing supply chain losses. Innovative methods are being used including switching to an electronic database of beneficiaries, using SMS alerts to track […]
Food Bill Effect: Dutch Firms Eye India for Postharvest Solutions
Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development says her country is looking very closely at “everything connected to the Food Bill”. Officials believe Dutch entrepreneurs have a significant role to play in improving postharvest processes and reducing supply chain loss and waste.