US Congressman Ami Bera advocates for collaboration between the US and India on postharvest loss issues. Bera worked towards a MOU when recently in Delhi, focused on bringing US expertise to India on how to better manage, store, and move food to market.
CSIR, MoFA Initiate New Technology to Produce Bakery Products
The Ministry of Agriculture of Ghana has initiated a project meant to develop technology to make composite flour out of various crops including cassava, sweet potato, maize, sorghum, millet, and others. The project aims to reduce dependence on imports of wheat flour, improve food security, and cut postharvest losses.
India Approves Food Bill to Subsidize Grain for Poor
The bill will become law if approved by the upper house of the Indian national assembly, the Rajya Sabha.
17,000 Tonnes of Grain Wasted in 3 Years
A Times of India report states that at least 17,546 tonnes of foodgrains were damaged between 2009-10 and July 2012 in Food Corporation of India godowns. The total food loss of foodgrains, fruits, and vegetables equates to nearly $7 billion per year, estimated to be able to feed 70 million Indians.
Food Bill is Biggest Mistake India Might Have Made Til Date
“The basic point is that food security will turn out to be a fairly expensive proposition for India.”
Food Security Bill Can Feed Its People, Says Sonia Gandhi
In response to skepticism about sufficient resources, Sonia Gandhi responds that feeding India’s people is not a question of how, it is a must.
Lok Sabha Passes Food Bill
The lower house of the Indian national assembly approved the ambitious and controversial National Food Security Bill on Monday, August 26th, 2013, after nine hours of debate. If made law, the legislation will legally entitle 67% of the population to receive subsidized grains under the Targeted Public Distribution System.
Government of Canada Invests in Technology to Reduce Waste in Grain Bins
The Canadian government plans to invest nearly $300,000 in research focused on developing imaging technology to monitor the moisture levels in grain bins. The projects aims to reduce waste, increase the competitiveness of Canadian grains, and contribute to global food security via the application of science and technology.
The Food Security Bill Takes Us Back to the 1970s as Lessons of History Are Ignored
“The passage of the Food Security Bill in the Lok Sabha is reminiscent of the early 1970s, when the simultaneous left-right lurch ended with the economy contracting by the end of the decade and subsequent help from the IMF.”
Food Security a ‘Historic Opportunity’ or Mere ‘Vote Security’?
“Opposition party, BJP, labeled the bill more as “Vote security” than food security, but stopped short of opposing it.”