Tag Archives | government
<span style="font-size: 11px;font: Arial;color: #999999">Laborer uses claw-like tools to grip bags. <em>Credit: ADM Institute/Kari Wozniak</em></span>

Comparing Storage Facilities, Different Methods Lead to Postharvest Loss

by Trent Houdek and Eddy Salinas, Juniors in Supply Chain Management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The following post was written by students on an ADM Institute-sponsored observation study tour through India. Comparative analysis was the name of the game on one of our last days in India. While in the state of […]


Afghanistan Inaugurates First Strategic Grain Reserve

The World Food Programme and Afghan officials inaugurated the first Strategic Grain Reserve in the country. This important measure will protect food supplies against commonly faced natural disasters and help stabilize local wheat prices in times of shortage. Officials state that this is a first step in an initiative to develop and improve food system […]


FCI to Create Additional 5.4 Lakh Tonnes of Food Grain Storage Capacity in NE

The Food Corporation of India will create an additional 5.4 lakh tonnes of food grain capacity in the North Eastern States. Given the “strategic importance” of the region, the FCI has prepared a special package exclusively for the North East. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-09-18/news/42183357_1_fci-tonnes-lakh


Marandagahamula Grain Storage Complex Opened

The government of Sri Lanka opened a grain storage and trading complex at one of the country’s leading wholesale paddy markets where 60,000 tons of grains can be stored. The complex is part of a government plan for increased food security and economic development in the country’s agricultural sector. http://www.news.lk/news/sri-lanka/6845-marandagahamula-grain-storage-complex-opened  


US to help UP Minimize Postharvest Losses

The United States and the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have agreed to address postharvest losses by aligning US support as well as collaboration between universities from both countries. http://india.nydailynews.com/business/03e947c7216511bd6aeabb67f0f8d708/us-to-help-up-minimise-post-harvest-losses


Food Bill Effect: Dutch Firms Eye India for Postharvest Solutions

Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development says her country is looking very closely at “everything connected to the Food Bill”. Officials believe Dutch entrepreneurs have a significant role to play in improving postharvest processes and reducing supply chain loss and waste. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/agri-biz/food-bill-effect-dutch-firms-eye-india-for-postharvest-solutions/article5101359.ece


New Food Law: Nabard to Build 10k Warehouses in Panchayats

The Indian National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development prepares for additional storage capacity in anticipation of the Food Security Act. It aims to build 10,000 warehouses at the panchayat, or village, level this fiscal year, which will require an investment equivalent to nearly $8 million. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/agri-biz/new-food-law-nabard-to-build-10k-warehouses-in-panchayats/article5107238.ece


Thailand Extends Buying Scheme, Risks Adding to the Rice Pile

After recently discovering massive losses in the current rice scheme, the Thai government approved a new plan that will lower prices and quantities. With 17 million tonnes in storage and another 10 million set to arrive, however, the government is still at risk to lose in storage, depreciation, and logistics costs. http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/09/03/thailand-rice-intervention-idINL4N0GZ1FC20130903


Industry, Government Must Collaborate to Boost Food Security: Tariq Anwar

While speaking at a day-long summit on food safety, Indian Minister of State for Food Processing Industries urged industry and government to collaborate to achieve food security and safety. Anwar stressed the importance of efficient postharvest management and quality control to reduce waste and contamination in food along the supply chain. http://www.fnbnews.com/article/detnews.asp?articleid=34296&sectionid=1


Kingdom Acts to Cut Food Wastage

The King of Saudi Arabia has ordered the creation of a committee devoted to reducing national food loss and food waste. Representatives from various government agencies will carry out studies to determine how to reduce losses. The Middle East and North Africa lose 16 million metric tonnes of grain annually, according to FAO. http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=20130908179638
