Tag Archives | food safety

Farmers in Fukushima Count the Cost

Radiation from the Tokyo Electric Power Company has destroyed Fukushima farmers’ crops – an area that is the fourth largest producer of rice in Japan. Although the company has paid out around 90 billion yen to agricultural organizations, farmers are still angry with the government for leaving them to deal with the losses and after-effects […]


GlobalG.A.P. Tour 2011 on Good Agricultural Practice

The GlobalG.A.P. Tour 2011 on Good Agricultural Practice will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 22 and 23, 2011. Registration is open and conference topics will focus on food safety and sustainability issues. http://www.tour2011.org/cms/front_content.php?idart=104


Meet Looks at Radiation Processing for Better Shelf Life of Food, Improved Hygiene

India – A seminar on Radiation Processing Technology for Food Safety & Security, organized at Federation House, Hyderabad, focused on the role of radiation processing in increasing shelf life of food and other related aspects in ensuring food safety. Rapid urbanization, arable land depletion, agro-climatic conditions, traditional harvest and storage practices, as well as issues of long transportation […]
