Betty Bugusu, Ph.D., Managing Director of the International Food Technology Center at Purdue University, gave a TED talk focused around food security and reducing loss. The talk featured Purdue’s dissemination of ‘Incubation Centers’.
The Potential of Mechanization in Agriculture
The Philippines’ Department of Agriculture continues to allocate funding for farm mechanization, as well as subsidize farm machinery for qualifiying farmer organizations. Experts say increased mechanization can increase production by 5% and reduce postharvest losses by 5% to 10%. The government hopes to attract more young people to farming for employment.
Giving Power to African Farmers: Learning from the Indian Experience
A group of agriculture professionals from Africa took part in a study in India to gain insights on the role of farm mechanization in sustainable intensification. Participants were exposed to various technologies, including gender-friendly equipment for postharvest operations. Four international research organizations coordinated the tour.
Bühler Joins Growing Africa Assistance Initiative
Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM.{FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1
Central Mindanao Rice Program Gets Higher Budget This Year
Philippines Central Mindanao region will receive a 50% increase in the rice program budget from the previous year. Close to half of the total allotment will be used for postharvest facility development and infrastructure improvement.
Mobile Phones Unleash Farmers in Uganda
A new cloud-based mobile platform that combines agricultural information and financial services is being made available to smallholder farmers in Uganda. The platform collects data and optimizes services and product offerings based off data analysis and farmer history. The platform was developed by Farmers Centre (U) Ltd., which is already uploading info about its 10,000 clients.
Food Safety: Train Smallholders to Improve Processing at Farms
The organization Twin is training Malawi farmers on best practices to avoid illness and crop losses caused by aflatoxin contamination of staple food crops. Twin’s initiatives align with a postharvest approach to food security, which addresses the safety and preservation of food already produced.
Farmers Want Government Support to Improve Local Rice Farming
Local rice farmers in Ghana are putting pressure on the government to support rice production to discourage the importation of thousands of tonnes of rice annually. Stakeholders are appealing for an extension of the Project for Sustainable Development of Rain-Fed Lowland Rice Production, which will end in 2014.
Standards Need to Remain Voluntary, Industry Reps Caution
Canada launched national standards for grain biodiversity that are meant to manage the risk of plant pests and disease. The voluntary standards include guidelines for safe handling, transport, and use of equipment. Opinions on voluntary status of standards vary.
National Grains Biosecurity Standard Launched
Canada launched national standards for grain biodiversity that are meant to manage the risk of plant pests and disease. The voluntary standards include guidelines for safe handling, transport, and use of equipment. Opinions on voluntary status of standards vary.