An ad-hoc presidential committee says Egyptian wheat silos are unfit for use because they allow dust and grit to mix with high-quality Egyptian wheat. The government says eliminating the silos is not possible due to the high demand for storage space. Future policy suggestions include subsidization along the value chain as opposed to just at […]
Egypt: Pro-poor Horticulture Value Chains in Upper Egypt
A special horticulture program in Upper Egypt helps small farmers and agricultural workers to work more efficiently and improve their business partnerships through the benefit of a program known as the MDG Achievement Fund. Visit to learn more about the program.
Reducing Food Losses in the MENA Region
Slides from the presentation “Reducing Food Losses in the MENA Region” (speaker Adel Kader of UC Davis) at the Regional Agro-Industries Forum Middle East and North Africa were recently published, highlighting magnitudes and causes of loss in different areas. It also contains information on the methodology of data and information collection, as well as provides […]
Subsidised Bread Takes its Toll on Egypt
Egypt is contemplating changes to its wheat subsidy system, as $5.5 billion dollars are spent on it for three quarters of the population, burdening the economy, and devaluing the entire system itself as bread’s cheap cost allows those who are not suffering financially to use it for non-human consumption. PHL in Egypt are at 30 […]