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CGIAR Research Program Lists “Big Facts” about Food Waste

The CGIAR Research Program offers a compiled report of the most authoritative research on agriculture and climate change. The report lists “big facts”, visuals, and graphics on various topics, including food waste.


Chinese Told to Clean Their Plates to End Food Waste

China’s State Administration of Grain recently announced that 50 million tonnes of food are lost each year, of which 35 million tonnes are grain lost in the drying, storage, and transportation postharvest phases. Consumers have started to respond with food waste reduction campaigns.


A More Global UNEP Targets Food Waste

Governments are calling for a heightened legitimacy of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with global environmental issues on the rise.  One of UNEP’s current major campaigns, Think.Eat.Save., targets food loss and waste.


Think. Eat. Save.

The United Nations launched a new global campaign against food loss and waste last week. UNEP, FAO, and other partners announced the “Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Footprint” campaign targeted towards reducing food waste worldwide. The campaign is supported by FAO’s Save Food Initiative and will focus on the consumer, retail, and hospitality sectors.


Think, Eat, Save: UNEP, FAO and Partners Launch Global Campaign to Change Culture of Food Waste

The United Nations launched a new global campaign against food loss and waste last week. UNEP, FAO, and other partners announced the “Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Footprint” campaign targeted towards reducing food waste worldwide. The campaign is supported by FAO’s Save Food Initiative and will focus on the consumer, retail, and hospitality sectors.


Global Food Waste Not, Want Not

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]


We Throw Away Half Our Food

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public concern over PHL. […]


Food Prices Drop, But Food Waste Increases, Reports Say

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public concern over PHL. […]


Food Waste: Half Of All Food Ends Up Thrown Away

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]


Study: Up to Half the World’s Food Goes to Waste

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]
