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Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs released the report, ‘Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business’, at their recent symposium in Washington, D.C. The report sites reducing loss as an essential element to sustainable intensification of agriculture. The Council also covered postharvest loss in a commentary piece leading up to the event.


IFPRI Strategy 2013 – 2018: Food Policy Research in a Time of Unprecedented Challenges

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) published a strategy report for the next 5 years in food policy research. Their first strategic area is ‘ensuring sustainable food production’, which encompasses reduction of waste within the food system. Read the full report here, or see highlights here. Full report: Highlights:


High Level Consultation (HLC) on Hunger, Food Security and Nutrition in the Post 2015 Development Framework: Joint Chairs and co-Leads Synthesis Report

The High Level Consultation on Hunger, Food Security, and Nutrition in the Post 2015 Development Framework published a vision report on how to sustainably end hunger, insecurity, and malnutrition by 2025. Their pathway outline includes three main components: 1) sustainable and resilient food production and consumption, 2) good nutrition for all, and 3) agents of transformation.


Global InItIatIve on Food Losses and Waste ReductIon

The opportunity to solve postharvest loss issues lies among various stakeholders. Governments can provide better storage and infrastructure, businesses advanced technologies and improved supply chains, and researchers knowledge and information that is both accessible and appropriate to farmers of all types. These opportunities also present challenges, however. The postharvest loss stakeholder network faces obstacles with […]


Encyclopedia of Pest Management

Pests pose serious risks to crops after harvest. Rodents, mites, insects, microbes and other pests ingest food products and reduce yield sizes. They also significantly damage yield quality by leaving behind contaminating fragments such as hair, pellets, and toxins. Some estimates attribute pests as the cause of 10% of loss worldwide and from 10%-30% of […]


World Food Situation

Wheat production is low on a global scale due to droughts and flooding in major exporting countries like the United States, Canada, Ukraine, and Argentina. FAO reports that current global reserves are near the level they were in 2008. With food prices projected to increase, the ability to strengthen smallholder participation in value-added supply chains […]


Climate Change and Food Systems

A new report by CGIAR titled Climate Change and Food Systems: Annual Review of Environment and Resources describes why the environment must be directly addressed in plans to restructure and improve global food supply and distribution systems. The report also discusses how climate change affects smallholder farmers and gives suggestions for adaptive technologies, all important […]


Avoiding Future Famines

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recently published a collaborative report titled “Avoiding Future Famines: Strengthening the Ecological Foundation of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems”, arguing for the importance of using eco-friendly practices over environmentally-friendly practices in ensuring global food security. The report recognizes reducing postharvest loss and food waste as key strategies.


The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012

Oxfam produced recommendations for the 39th session of the Committee on World Food Security yesterday. Their recommendations followed the publication of a report last week by the FAO, entitled “The State of Food Insecurity in the World.” The recommendations suggest for an increased focus on developing sustainable farming practices, and also target the smallholder farmer.


“Water and Food Security” the Theme of 2012 World Water Week

World Water Week focused on increasing global agricultural productivity and especially the relationship between saving water and reducing PHL. Read more in an article from the Global Harvest Initiative and slides from a presentation by Dr. Julian Parfitt.
