Citations Google Scholar
Parente at Ideas/RePEc
Working Papers:
Search Frictions and the Structural Transformation with David Wiczer and Hongxia Zhang
Income, Education, and Democracy with Luis Felipe Saenz and Anna Seim.
Spatial Competition, Innovation and Institutions: The Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence with Klaus Desmet and Avner Greif.
Resistance to Technology: The Rise and Decline of Guilds (with Klaus Desmet) Review of Economic Dynamics (2014) 17 (3):437-458.
Democracy as a Middle Ground: A Unified Theory of Development and Political Regimes (with Anna Larsson) European Economic Review November (2013): 35-56.
The Evolution of Markets and the Revolution of Industry: A Unified Theory of Growth. (joint with Klaus Desmet) Journal of Economic Growth 17 (2012): 205-234.
Bigger is Better: Market Size, Demand Elasticity, and Innovation (joint with Klaus Desmet) International Economic Review 51 (May 2010): 319-34.
Barriers to Economic Catch-Up in the 21st Century in 2008 Index of Economic Freedom: The Link Between Economic Opportunity and Prosperity eds. K. Holmes, E.J. Feulner, and M.A. O’Grady. The Heritage Foundation and Dow Jones & Company, Inc. New York, NY (2008): 23-33.
What a Country Must Do to Catch-Up to the Industrial Leaders (joint with Edward C. Prescott) in Living Standards and The Wealth of Nations: Successes and Failures in Real Convergence, eds. Leszek Balcerowicz and Stanly Fischer. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006:17-40.
The Food Problem and the Evolution of International Income Differences (with Douglas Gollin and Richard Rogerson Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (May 2007): 1230-1255.
Religion in Macroeconomics: A Quantitative Assessment of Weber’s Thesis (Joint with Tiago Cavalcanti and Rui Zhao), Economic Theory 32(1), (2007) 105-123.
Slow Development and Special Interests (joint with Rui Zhao), International Economic Review 47(3), (August 2006) 991-1011.
A Unified Theory of the Evolution of International Incomes (with Edward C. Prescott) Handbook of Economic Growth. (2005) Vol 1(Part b): 1371-1416.
The Success and Failure of Economic Reforms in Transition Economies, (with Victor Rios-Rull), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 37(1) (February 2005): 23-42.
Farm Work, Home Work, and International Income Differences, (with Douglas Gollin and Richard Rogerson), The Review of Economic Dynamics 7(4) (October 2004): 827-850.
The Role of Agriculture in Development, (with Douglas Gollin and Richard Rogerson) American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings (May 2002): 160-164.
The Failure of Endogenous Growth, Knowledge, Technology and Policy 13 (2001) 49-58.
Learning by Using and the Switch to Better Machines. The Review of Economic Dynamics 3 (2000): 675-703.
Homework in Economic Development: Home Production and the Wealth of Nations, (with Richard Rogerson, and Randall Wright), Journal of Political Economy (August 2000): 680-687
Monopoly Rights: A Barrier to Riches, (with Edward C. Prescott) The American Economic Review 89 (December 1999): 1216-1233.
The Problem of Economic Development, Revista Brasiliera de Economia 51 (October/December 1997): 415‑445.
A Model of Technology Adoption and Growth, Economic Theory 6 (1995): 405-420.
Technology Adoption, Learning-by-Doing and Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Theory 63 (August 1994): 346-369.
Barriers to Technology Adoption and Development, (with Edward C. Prescott), Journal of Political Economy 102 (April 1994): 298-321.