For the FSHN 120 semester project, you have several resources that all explain the guidelines.  Feel free to use any/all of the resources below:

  1. student notes packet
  2. video at
  3. Canvas LMS for the class at
  4. This webpage

Keep in mind that if you are asked to share a report from MyFitnessPal, for full consideration it should like like the above including:

  • Date at the top
  • Meals with all items listed including serving size and macronutrients and select additional information per item
  • Totals consumed for the day
  • Daily goal (should remain the same all three days)
  • Remaining
  • Units for all items

If you are having trouble fitting all of the information on one screen, you are encouraged to zoom out (on a PC it is Ctrl – ), take your screenshot, and crop out any non-MyFitnessPal information as appropriate.

Semester project step 4


  • Did you enter data on three consecutive days? (only two options are Wed, Thurs, Fri or Sun, Mon, Tues)
  • Do you have all three required documents for the screenshots?
    • Three separate PDF documents with each one of your My Fitness Pal entries
  • Did you convert your My Fitness Pal screenshots to PDF format?
  • Did you follow the naming convention for all three files?
    • NetID, day 1-3, day of the week, and date
    • ex: Burkhalt-Day1-Sunday-January30
  • Did you make sure your PDFs are not flipped?
  • Did you ensure that all foods entered in My Fitness Pal contribute to your total Calories and/or nutrients?
    • For example, you might have entered a “McDonalds Cheeseburger” that shows up as having 0 calories, 0 fats, 0 carbohydrates, 0 protein and 0 sugars. This is an invalid entry as it is not accurate nutritional information. Note: do not worry if some supplements do not add any nutritional value to your tables.
  • Did you confirm that all “daily goals” from My Fitness Pal are the same?  If they are not, you will need to delete any physical activity that was accidentally tracked while your phone recorded data from its step counter and/or accelerometer.
  • Did you crop your screenshots with accuracy?
    • Make sure you include all rows and columns, including the date at the top and the totals at the bottom.
  • Did you make sure the screenshots fit the size of the page and the information on them is legible?
  • Did you make sure your screenshots were taken from the food diary and NOT the printable diary?

When you have everything and you are ready to submit: 

    • Attach three unique PDF files that are properly named to one Canvas submission
    • Be sure they contain all required information for full consideration!

If you are unsure how to print a webpage as a PDF, open the following PPT walking you through the steps: How to Create PDF from a Webpage