Participants by Institution

Evren GurkanCavusogluCase Western Reserve University
JingLiCase Western Reserve University
Deidra MorrisonClaflin University
Ramaier SriramClaflin University
Murali SitaramanClemson University
Brygg UllmerClemson University
TracyCampColorado School of Mines
BurcinTamerComputer Research Association (CRA)
HeatherWrightComputer Research Association (CRA)
Phoebe SengersCornell University
Eva TardosCornell University
Dorian ArnoldEmory University
NosaybaEl-SayedEmory University
Vaidy SunderamEmory University
Chris CarrGeorge Mason University
Huzefa RangwalaGeorge Mason University
Sanjeev SetiaGeorge Mason University
ColleenLewisHarvey Mudd College
NathanEnsmingerIndiana University
ApuKapadiaIndiana University
EataiRothIndiana University
Jean MayoMichigan Technological University
LindaOttMichigan Technological University
Charles WallaceMichigan Technological niversity
JeffForbesNational Science Foundation (NSF) and Duke University
AllysonKennedyNational Science Foundation (NSF)
KeithBagleyNortheastern University, Khoury College of Computer Science
JaneKokernakNortheastern University, Khoury College of Computer Science
Cara BrunOklahoma State University
K.M. GeorgeOklahoma State University
Zack ButlerRochester Institute of Technology
Peizhao HuRochester Institute of Technology
Mohan KumarRochester Institute of Technology
Nicholas GiudiceSchool of Computing and Information Science, University of Maine
Penny RheingansSchool of Computing and Information Science, University of Maine
TerryYooSchool of Computing and Information Science, University of Maine
April CrockettTennessee Tech University
Gerald GannodTennessee Tech University
Rachel JenningsTennessee Tech University
Dilma Da SilvaTexas A&M University
Scott SchaeferTexas A&M University
JuneClaiborneTexas Southern University
Lila GhemriTexas Southern University
Roderick HolmesTexas Southern University
Prasenjit MitraThe Pennsylvania State University, College of Information Sciences and Technology,
Shomir WilsonThe Pennsylvania State University, College of Information Sciences and Technology,
ArunKumarUniversity of California, San Diego
Sorin LernerUniversity of California, San Diego
DavidCashUniversity of Chicago
RandallLandsbergUniversity of Chicago
JuliaLaneUniversity of Chicago
Cory (Austin)BartUniversity of Delaware
TerryHarveyUniversity of Delaware
Kathy McCoyUniversity of Delaware
NancyAmatoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
JeffEricksonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
HariSundaramUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
BrandiDayUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
KetanMayer-PatelUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Barrett BryantUniversity of North Texas
Song FuUniversity of North Texas
Armin MiklerUniversity of North Texas
JaneCleland-HuangUniversity of Notre Dame
Ron MetoyerUniversity of Notre Dame
Csilla FarkasUniversity of South Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
JijunTangUniversity of South Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Matt E. ThatcherUniversity of South Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Terry BenzelUniversity of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering
Brandi P. JonesUniversity of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering
Farah KandahUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
TonySkjellumUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Don FussellUniversity of Texas at Austin, Computer Science
Alison NormanUniversity of Texas at Austin, Computer Science
AndreasGerstlauerUniversity of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering
ChristineJulienUniversity of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering
DianaMarculescuUniversity of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Qian (Guenevere)ChenUniversity of Texas at San Antonio
SushilParsadUniversity of Texas at San Antonio
Lily LiangUniversity of the District of Columbia
Briana WellmanUniversity of the District of Columbia
MaryHallUniversity of Utah, School of Computing
Elva JonesWinston-Salem State University