Romana Nowak

Description of Research: Interests: Women’s reproductive diseases including endometriosis and uterine fibroids; embryo implantation and early pregnancy; use of domestic animal models as translational models for reproductive diseases; effects of endocrine disruptors on the uterus.
Biographical Information: Romana was born in Chicago, Illinois and lived about two miles from Wrigley Field until age 10 when her family moved to the suburb of Villa Park. From the time she was a small child, Romana loved everything about animals and plants and was drawn to science. She always had some kind of pets including a baby squirrel raised to adulthood and two wild baby rabbits. Romana was fortunate to have Dr. Philip Dziuk, a world renowned professor in reproductive biology, as her undergraduate mentor and very quickly decided that an academic career doing research in reproduction was what she wanted to do. Romana does a lot of undergraduate teaching which she greatly enjoys. In her free time Romana likes to spend time with her two sons Linus and Max, bake, garden, follow the Chicago Cubs, and attend Illini sports events. Fun Fact: Romana lived in England for 3.5 years and loves being by the ocean.
Postdoctoral Fellowships: Cambridge University (England) and Harvard University (Boston, MA)