By Drs. Nelda A. Rivera and Nohra Mateus-Pinilla

For more details bout CWD in Illinois, please download our brochure [PDF]
By Drs. Nelda A. Rivera and Nohra Mateus-Pinilla
For more details bout CWD in Illinois, please download our brochure [PDF]
Nicole Pietrunti – 2nd place graduate student poster presentation
Title: Natural resource managers may want to consider antimicrobial resistance when managing Canada Geese in Illinois.
Melanie Bergman – 2nd place undergraduate student poster presentation.
Title: Comparisons Between Litter Size and Fetal Development for Chronic Wasting Disease in White-Tailed Deer.
Great Job!!!
Congratulations to undergraduate students YiYing Tung, Nora Ryan, Rachel Lupas, and Melanie Bergan, who did a fantastic job presenting posters at the Annual Meeting of The Illinois Chapter of The Wildlife Society (ICTWS) showcase – Lewis and Clark Community College (10-12 April 2022).
Bluetongue (BT) and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) are viral diseases of wild and domestic ruminants, transmitted by Culicoides midges. Disease surveillance helps to predict outbreaks, manage BT/EHD in livestock, and informs the public about risks and expected outcomes from outbreaks in wild ruminant populations.
Cover Story (view full-size image)
A recent review published in the journal Pathogens titled “Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease in the United States of America at the Wildlife–Livestock Interface” explores the current knowledge and distribution of BT/EHD and their vectors in the United States of America and the importance of disease surveillance for ruminant populations. View Full-Text
Undergraduate student, Melanie Bergman, is one of two of this year’s Dr. Janet R. Jackson and Dr. Mark A. Roos scholarship recipients.
Congratulations Melanie!!!
Two NRES undergraduate students working in the Novakofski & Mateus Chronic Wasting Disease Collaborative Labs, Lauren Brunk and Yi-Ying Tung, received an NRES scholarship for the 2021-2022 school year.
Lauren is the recipient of the Ralph Lorenz Memorial Scholarship, and Yi-Ying received the Knoebel Scholarship.
In this short article, Yi-Ying summarizes the exciting findings of the tight and complicated relationships between female white-tailed deer and their fetuses, based on the research study entitled “Reproductive Characteristics of Female White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Midwestern USA published in the Journal Theriogenology (Green et al., 2017).
Yi-Ying Tung is a James Scholar, who, as a member of the Novakofski and Mateus Chronic Wasting Disease Collaboratives Labs, is involved in a project that explores the transmission of chronic wasting disease from white-tailed deer to their offspring.
Great work Yi-Ying!!!
SPRINGFIELD, IL – In response to rising positivity rates of COVID-19 and in an effort to help ensure the health and safety of Illinois hunters and Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) staff, the IDNR today announced the closure of all Deer Check Stations during the upcoming firearm deer hunting seasons, slated for Nov. 20-22 and Dec. 3-6, 2020. For more information please visit the IDNR website, here.
CWD SAMPLING VENDORS: The following locations are serving as CWD sampling stations, taking samples from entire deer or deer heads from October 1, 2020 thru Jan. 17, 2021 [CWD Sampling Vendors]
CWD HEAD DROP-OFF STATIONS: The following sites are serving as self-serve drop-off sites where hunters can fill out a sample submission card and leave adult deer heads [CWD Head Drop-off stations]
Here is a complete list of CWD Sampling Locations.
Test results will be posted by hunter phone number on the IDNR website at:
Jacob, a master student in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a member of the Novakofski & Mateus Chronic Wasting Disease Lab, explains the importance of examining the Prion protein gene to evaluate differences in genetic vulnerability to CWD for susceptible species like white-tailed deer in his article entitled “A Genetic Key to CWD Management? This article appears in the Outdoors Illinois Wildlife Journal. Read the whole story here.
Great work Jacob!!!