You rely on your eyes for so much–but could your work habits be killing your vision? If you experience eyestrain, vision problems, dry eyes, headaches, fatigue, or other problems after long hours in front of a computer screen, you’re not alone. You’re also probably causing some of your own misery.
Thankfully, there’s actually a lot you can do to help give your eyes a break. It’s worth it to try a few (or all) of these ideas to see if any of these tips make an impact:
It’s simple, but easily overlooked. Many of us overwork our eyes and that’s a significant contributing factor to our vision problems.
Try to aim for the 20/20/20 rule. Take a break every twenty minutes, look at an object twenty feet away, and hold your gaze for twenty seconds.
Believe it or not, part of the reason why your eyes may hurt is because you’re probably not blinking enough.
Blinking your eyelids lubricates your eyes with tears, restoring the moisture your eyes lose from evaporation. Keeping your eyes hydrated helps prevent excessive dryness.
To keep your eyes feeling great, try to consciously blink more often. In fact, try blinking every time you think about it.
If you have prescription eyewear, you may need to wear it even when you’re on the computer. Or, wear it when you’re away from your computer and use computer glasses when you’re in front of a screen.
Your eyestrain could be caused by the fact that your eyes are having to work harder to compensate for any vision challenges you experience, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or other issues.
Computer lenses are designed to be worn while using digital devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and televisions. Since our eyes are not designed for staring at screens, they sometimes need help.
Available in a wide range of frame designs, you can get computer lenses custom-made to your individual eyewear needs, fashion tastes, and vision prescription.
Depending on the device you’re using, you may also be able to make adjustments to the screen so it causes less eyestrain. For instance, you could reduce the amount of blue light emitted by your computer screen so it doesn’t interfere as much with your sleep.
Too much blue light may reduce melatonin production in the body, causing sleep to become more difficult. Thankfully, it’s usually easy to change the settings on your computer, phone, or other device. You may even set up your device to reduce blue light before bedtime or for late night work.
With these tips, you can reduce the strain your eyes undergo during your day-to-day use of electronics. Computer use doesn’t have to damage your eyes–by taking these steps, you can improve your comfort and productivity even while relying on computers to get your work done.