
Bio Blurb:

Masters of Computer Science in Data Science Graduate from Illinois-Urbana Champaign. Currently taking additional courses beyond the masters requirements. My fall 2019 course is numerical analysis a.k.a. scientific computing.


Master’s GPA: 3.94

Academic Papers:

  • The Page Rank: A Survey from Markov Chains to Tensors

A survey of page rank algorithms including n-order Markov chains, tensor rankings & Dirichlet ranking. Extends on current papers with additional n-order tensor ranking algorithms.

  • Bayesian Analysis of  the 115th US Congress Electoral Results

Bayesian hierarchical models related to democrat, republican and household income, inference and Bayesian interpretation.

  • Human Chromosome 22 ADAM Processing Pipeline, Exploratory Analysis & Visualization

Chromosome 22 Analysis using output from an ADAM Pipeline to generate genetic variants with clinvar annotations.

  • L-Rank: A Page Rank Implementation for the Public Service Domain

Implementation mechanism of a local ranking system based on page rank methods using city data from the public service domain.

  • NASA Solar Radiation Linear Models Analysis & Prediction 

Analysis, generalized linear modeling, inference & prediction of solar radiation using NASA’s Space Apps data set.

  • Commentary: Native predators reduce harvest of reindeer by Sámi Pastoralists

Detailed analytics commentary on the Bayesian analysis in the paper by N. Thompson Hobbs et al.


  • Python, Scipy, Numpy, Pandas
  • Keras with Tensor-flow Back-end
  • R

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