- Plug devices into a power bar
- Turn off the lights when leaving any room
- Use LED light bulbs
- Let your room get hotter in the summer and cooler in winter
- Run your computer in power save mode
- Turn off electronics every night
- Use task lighting: only turning on a smaller light over the space you’re working, not lighting the whole room
- Limit showers to less than 10 minutes
- Turn off the tap during tooth brushing
- Run only full loads of laundry or dishes
- Wash your vehicle by hand at the car wash or at home
- Catch the “warming up” sink or shower water in a bucket to use to water plants later
- Wash dishes in a sinkful of water, not under a constantly running tap
- Refill a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled drinks
- Take a reusable bag on shopping trips
- Borrow, don’t buy, infrequently used items
- Switch from paper towels to washable dish rags
- Recycle everything you can
- Donate what you don’t want; never throw useful items in the trash
- For one month, buy nothing new
- Print documents only when you must — and when you do, print double-sided
- Find places to recycle the odd stuff (the Illini Gadget Garage will take your old CDS and dead batteries)
- Store a metal (reusable) set of silverware in your office desk or backpack.
- Refuse plastic cutlery when ordering food to go
- Add one more meat-free meal to your weekly menu
- Buy fresh fruits and vegetables within three days of when you plan to use them
- Refuse plastic takeaway silverware — pack a fork instead!
- Take a small portion first; you can always grab a second helping later if you want
- Visit local weekly farmers’ markets: Illinois Quad Student Farm Stand, Urbana, or Champaign.
- Compost food scraps (hints and tips via HGTV)
- Replace one solo car trip a week with a bike ride, bus ride, or carpool (heck, take a skateboard, longboard or flying broom — anything without emissions!)
- Register your bicycle with campus (
- Combine errands to make fewer trips
- Create a cycle-to-work group in your neighborhood or office