Current Openings

MNM group is led by Prof. Jianqi Xi in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering at UIUC. We are a highly active group leveraging multi-scale simulation and machine learning in areas including nuclear materials, chemistry, and semiconductors.

Ph.D. Students

We are looking for a Ph.D. student to start in either Spring of 2025 or Fall of 2025. Interested students are welcome to contact Prof. Jianqi Xi with their CV.

Undergraduate Researchers

Students with a keen interest in engaging in fundamental research and implementing in-silico approaches are encouraged to apply. Individuals with a background in nuclear engineering, materials science, physics, chemical engineering, or mechanical engineering are especially encouraged. Previous research experience is desirable but not required. Open research projects include multiscale modeling of microstructural evolutions of materials in nuclear applications, chemical degradation of nuclear materials in corrosive coolant environments (e.g., molten salt, high-temperature water, and air, etc), data-driven materials design with desirable radiation/corrosion-resistant properties, and synergistic effects of radiation and corrosion on structural materials.

Interested undergraduates are invited to contact including their CV and a few words to explain their research interests.

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