Check your final grades.
This official webapp to view grades is brought to you by AITS and the Office of the Registrar. This app does not replace Student Self-Service, but is meant to be a supplemental way for students to access important information.
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For students
Illinois Student Affairs
Move-In Day App
Move-In Day App from Guidebook
University of Illinois Move-in Day 2015 has gone mobile! Get the move-in schedule, meal information, checklists, and more on your iPhone/Android, for free. You can download the whole Student Affairs app by searching for “Illinois Student Affairs” in your app store. Or you can go directly to the move-in app at
Engineering Open House
Engineering Open House
The EOH Mobile App is designed for your iPhone or Android mobile smart phone (and iPod Touches too!). Download it now to greatly enhance your EOH experience. The app includes exhibit details, building information, nearby food options, tweets, and more. Best of all, it’s free!
2016 App coming soon!
Office 365
Office 365 is available for Illinois. It gives all campus users a free license for personal use of Microsoft Office and a terabyte of storage using OneDrive for Business. This license allows you to install Office at no charge on up to 5 computers, 5 tablets, and 5 phones (up to 15 devices)! Visit to get your free copy!
ExploreCU is available for Apple and Android, as well as a website. Users can browse through themed tours based on topics related to arts, culture, and history, and read more about places and events within Champaign-Urbana. Each location is pinned on a map, and so you can also browse for places nearby. ExploreCU is a community outreach project that is constantly growing based on user feedback and contributions.
UI Dining
Box is the online storage option for Illinois. U of I Box is available now! Students, faculty, and staff will each receive 50 gigabytes of online cloud storage with a high degree of functionality across multiple platforms.