UIUC Machine Learning Seminar (CS 591 MLR)

Welcome to be the Machine Learning Seminar at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign! (CS 591 MLR) The student organizers are Nathanael Assefa, Haoxiang Wang, and Yuzheng Hu. The faculty instructors are Arindam Banerjee and Han Zhao. We have a mailing list that you can subscribe to.

Physical Location: 0216 Siebel Center (01/26 and 02/02); 1214 Siebel Center (starting from 02/09)

Zoom (Link Page)

Time: 2:00-3:15 PM CST on Fridays (the first meeting is on January 26 for the Spring 2024 semester)

Mailing List:  uiuc-ml-reading-group@lists.illinois.edu (To Subscribe)

01/26/2024Hybrid/Siebel 0216Seiyun ShinUIUCInference and learning on partially observed graphs [paper 1] [paper 2] [slides]
02/02/2024Hybrid/Siebel 0216Fan WuUIUCPrivately Aligning Language Models with Reinforcement Learning [paper] [slides]
02/09/2024Hybrid/Siebel 1214Ziqi PangUIUCFrozen Transformers in Language Models are Effective Visual Encoder Layers [paper] [slides]
02/16/2024ZoomYuhong LiUIUCMedusa: Simple Framework for Accelerating LLM Generation with Multiple Decoding Heads [paper] [github] [press] [slides]
02/23/2024ZoomXiangyu QiPrincetonFine-tuning Aligned Language Models Compromises Safety, Even When Users Do Not Intend To! [paper] [website] [press] [slides]
03/01/2024Hybrid/Siebel 1214Akshayaa MageshUIUCPrincipled Out-of-Distribution Detection for Machine Learning Algorithms via Multiple Testing [paper] [slides]
03/08/2024ZoomShange TangPrincetonMaximum Likelihood Estimation is All You Need for Well-Specified Covariate Shift [paper] [slides]
03/15/2024N/AN/ASpring Break
03/22/2024ZoomBoris HaninPrincetonPrincipled Hyperparameter Transfer Across Depth and Width in Neural Network [paper] [slides]
03/29/2024ZoomWale SaludeenUIUC ImageNot: A contrast with ImageNet preserves model rankings [paper] [slides]
04/05/2024ZoomLicong LinUC BerkeleyTransformers as Decision Makers: Provable In-Context Reinforcement Learning via Supervised Pretraining [paper] [slides]
04/12/2024ZoomNiall ManganNorthwesternData-driven model discovery meets mechanistic modeling for biological systems [paper] [slides]
04/19/2024Hybrid/Siebel 1214Xiaoqian WangPurdueIntegrating Human Knowledge in Machine Learning Models and Explanations [paper 1] [paper 2, C36] [paper 3] [slides]
04/26/2024ZoomAli ShiraliUC BerkeleyWhat Makes ImageNet Look Unlike LAION [paper] [slides]
05/03/2024ZoomSanae LotfiNew York UniversityNon-Vacuous Generalization Bounds for Large Language Models [paper] [slides]